How to use Design Codes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Design codes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are quite simple to use (Image via Nintendo Life)
Design codes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are quite simple to use (Image via Nintendo Life)

The Animal Crossing: New Horizons community is one that loves to share and spread the joy of creation. In this spirit, players often design custom clothing, artwork, and others, which they might like to share with the community. This can easily be done through the use of custom design codes in New Horizons.


These design codes differ from the QR codes that players of previous iterations of the Animal Crossing series are used to. Here's a guide on how players can use custom design codes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Steps to apply custom design codes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Players can find custom design codes for New Horizons online, as most creators share the design codes on their social media or other platforms. Once players get their hands on the custom code of their choice, there are a few more criteria they need to fulfill to be able to implement them in their game.

First, players need to have a Nintendo Switch online subscription, along with a stable internet connection, even if it is for a short while. Second, they need to have the Able Sisters' Shop unlocked on their New Horizons island to access the custom design codes.

At the Able Sisters' Shop, they must follow the steps below to use custom design codes on their New Horizons islands.

  1. Enter the Able Sisters' Shop and interact with the Custom Designs portal located at the back of the store.
  2. Once at the portal, players will be asked if they want to access the kiosk which they must confirm.
  3. Players will then be given the option to either search by Design ID or search for creator ID.
  4. According to the custom design code that players have, they must enter the code at the appropriate slot and select "Confirm."
  5. Players will now be led to their Custom Designs app, where they will be allowed to save the design to one of their design slots. Upon choosing the slot, players must confirm that they want to save it there.

After this, players will be able to access the custom design code on their New Horizons island. Adding custom design slots to one's island is rather simple, and can give them access to a wide variety of attractive features and items in Nintendo's life-simulation title.

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