How to use Genshin Impact wish simulators for Ayaka banner on PC

Genshin Impact fans can use wish simulators for Ayaka's banner (Image via Genshin Impact) Enter caption Enter caption
Genshin Impact fans can use wish simulators for Ayaka's banner (Image via Genshin Impact) Enter caption Enter caption

Genshin Impact wish simulators give players a chance to wish on the numerous featured characters in the game, all without spending a single Primogem.

These useful websites provide gamers with the opportunity to roll as many times as they want and collect all of the limited 5-star characters with ease. If Genshin Impact fans want to roll on a banner that's about to run out without wasting any extra resources, like Ayaka's Heron's Court banner, there's no better way than to use a wish simulator.

Genshin Impact: How to use a wish simulator

Using a wish simulator to roll in Genshin Impact is simple, as most websites provide an easy experience for players. There are several options to choose from, but one of the easiest to use is Uzair Ashraf's wish simulator.

This wish simulator provides gamers with several options when it comes to virtually summoning Genshin Impact characters and has an easily accessible history page.

Uzair Ashraf's wish simulator
Uzair Ashraf's wish simulator

Players can begin using Uzair Ashraf's Wish simulator by accessing the website and begin summoning characters by selecting which banner they want to use at the top of the page. They can also swap between banners by clicking the settings button, which will give access to previous banners over the history of Genshin Impact. Once gamers are ready to begin wishing, they can click the buttons at the bottom of the webpage to start the simulator.

Why players should use wish simulators:


Genshin Impact fans are able to wish as much as they want by using these websites, as the simulator provides unlimited attempts to get their favorite characters. They can check the amount of characters they have summoned in the history tab at the bottom, along with an estimate of how much virtual money they have spent.

Genshin Impact wish simulators provide players with the opportunity to splurge on any banner, including the current one featuring Ayaka. They also keep players who enjoy summoning for characters from wasting any extra money on the game by allowing them to virtually summon for characters.

Genshin Impact fans will definitely want to give a wish simulator a try, as they are fun ways to summon as many characters as possible without needing to spend Primogems.

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