How to wall jump in Psychonauts 2

Use the wall jump to access new platforms in Psychonauts 2 (Image via Double Fine)
Use the wall jump to access new platforms in Psychonauts 2 (Image via Double Fine)

Psychonauts 2 is a platformer at heart with plenty of acrobatic skills, such as the wall jump. Players will need to utilize the mechanics to make it through the game, and it only takes a minute to learn.

In Psychonauts 2, users take control of Raz, who will continue to learn moves throughout the game. The wall jump is a move that will help them traverse through environments where platforms seem like they are too far off. Using a wall jump with other mechanics weaved in can allow for even more distance and acrobatics.

To pull off a wall jump in Psychonauts 2, approach an area with two narrowly placed walls near each other. Heading towards them and starting the wall jump will initiate the mechanic, and gamers will be alerted by the outline that appears beneath Raz's feet. It signifies that they can begin moving through the narrow walls.

Once the wall jump is initiated in Psychonauts 2, the next step is to press "A" on Xbox, "X" on PlayStation, or the Spacebar on a PC platform. Those buttons are also simply the jump buttons on their respective platforms. Pressing the jump button in a successive rhythm will allow players to scale the narrow walls successfully and reach a new location.

As they get further into Psychonauts 2, the wall platforms will get more advanced. Sometimes, simply wall jumping won't be enough the reach the desired area. In these cases, following up the wall jump with a double jump will help users reach platforms located further out.

What can players use the wall jump for in Psychonauts 2?


The use of wall jumps to reach new areas was mentioned above, but they can entail different ideas. On top of that, wall jumps don't always need to be for two narrow walls as an obstacle. Rather, gamers can use a single wall to leverage a wall jump into a double jump.

That will allow access to areas where collectibles may be hidden in Psychonauts 2. Players will come across all kinds of collectibles such as Figments and Challenge Cards as they progress through the game.

Utilizing the wall jump will make accessing all of the collectibles or even upgrades far more manageable, and luckily, the mechanic is quick to learn in Psychonauts 2.