Is Stellar Blade coming to PS4?

Eve from Stellar Blade
Stellar Blade is the upcoming hack-and-slash action game from ShiftUp (Image via ShiftUp)

Korean developer ShiftUp's upcoming action game, Stellar Blade is set to arrive for Sony's home console. Naturally, players are wondering if they can play it on their PS4. After all, many still own last-gen devices since they do not feel like the PlayStation 5 is a worthy upgrade. With the game's launch looming on the horizon, they might want to get their hands on the game and add it to their PS4 library.

Sad news for those who wanted to play Stellar Blade on the PlayStation 4 as ShiftUp's upcoming title is exclusive to the PlayStation 5 console. The Korean developer currently has no plans to port its upcoming action-adventure game to the PS4 or any other platforms.

Keep reading, as we dive deeper into why Stellar Blade will not head to the PS4 console despite being a Sony-exclusive title.

Note: Some parts of this article are based on the author's opinion.

Speculating why Stellar Blade will not come to the PS4

While a lot of reasons can be drawn as to why Shiftup is not bringing Stellar Blade to the PS4, the biggest seems that Sony may be slowly moving away from its last-gen console. Every company wants to profit, and the selling of the cutting-edge PlayStation 5 console will benefit the tech giant.

While the PlayStation 4 gets a bulk of games, both first-party exclusives and non-exclusives included, Sony will eventually have to leave it behind.

There is also a high chance that ShiftUp wanted its first major game to debut on the latest-gen console to provide users with high framerates and stable performance, which the PlayStation 4 might not be able to provide. Stellar Blade is a big step for the company to venture into the world of PC and console gaming. It is also the studio behind the popular mobile title, Goddess of Victory: NIKKE.

Games like Stellar Blade on PS4

Here are a few hack-and-slash games that can act as alternatives and will provide a satisfying experience.

  • Nier Automata: Automata is hailed as one of the best JRPGs and is a great game that you can dive into. Combine a plot with deep philosophical roots that will make you question what makes one human with hack-and-slash gameplay and excellent soundtracks, and you can easily get lost in the game for at least 50 hours.
  • Devil May Cry 5: Capcom's action-adventure series made a comeback in 2019 with Devil May Cry 5. The game is a combination of fast-paced action, witty quips, and a magnificent soundtrack to dominate your enemies. It is a must-play for hack-and-slash fans.

Stellar Blade will arrive on the PlayStation 5 on April 26, 2024.

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