Jean's birthday in Genshin Impact: Mail, gifts, and more

Jean Gunnhildr's birthday is almost here (Image via Genshin Impact)
Jean Gunnhildr's birthday is almost here (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact's in-game birthdays are a special occasion for the community as their favorite characters get a special spotlight on their big day. March 14 is Jean Gunnhildr's birthday, and fans of the Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt will want to celebrate.

Players can look forward to her unique birthday art, along with a note that comes in the in-game mail. These notes are a heartfelt message from the character, and they provide a deeper look into the character's inner thoughts, feelings, and more. They also provide some rewards for fans to claim, which gamers can see here.

Jean's birthday gifts revealed in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact fans often look forward to the game's special birthday celebrations, as their favorite characters get some extra time to shine. Jean Gunnhildr's birthday has arrived once again for players across the world, though for many in the western hemisphere, it won't arrive until March 14. Jean's birthday will include some special birthday art, along with the game's usual birthday letters that fans can look forward to.

Jean's birthday note details how she was ushered out of her office by the fellow Knights of Favonius as they tried to make her relax on the special occasion. She spent the day partrolling Mondstadt, walking across its outskirts and defeating a few monsters on the way.

Jean shows off her power in the note, as she even defeated a few dangerous Ruin enemies to provide the player with important resources. She finishes the note by stating that the day was productive, even if she couldn't work like she wanted to.

When it comes to gifts, fans can expect some decent items from Jean, though nothing too extravagant. She offers players these items:

  • 3x Windwheel Aster
  • 2x Chaos Core
  • 1x Invigorating Pizza

The Asters and the Chaos Cores can be useful materials for ascensions and weapon upgrades, while the Pizza is a potent healing item. This is also Jean's specialty food, so gamers who don't have Jean in their party can finally fill out that slot in the game's archive. Fans who have been waiting for Jean's birthday to finally come around again definitely won't be disappointed by the knight's birthday gifts.

Genshin Impact's birthdays can be very special days in the community, and fans of Jean will want to make sure they claim her birthday mail on March 14.