League of Legends’ Dawnbringer/Nightbringer skins make their entry to PBE 11.19 cycle

Riot Games provides first look into the VFX and splash art for Dawnbringer/Nightbringer skins (Image via League of Legends)
Riot Games provides first look into the VFX and splash art for Dawnbringer/Nightbringer skins (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends’ latest entrants into the Dawnbringer/Nightbringer skin line were revealed by Riot Games a week ago.

Previously, popular champions like Yasuo, Zyra and Vladimir have been part of this massively popular skin line. The same thing is happening this time, since League of Legends is finally releasing a Kayn skin, which is long overdue.

In terms of skins, Kayn is probably the most neglected champion within League of Legends. This time, though, he is not only receiving a new skin, he will also get a prestige version - something he never had.

The price of the skins has not yet been revealed, even though the VFX and animations will definitely give fans some idea on the rarity of the skins.

The Dawnbringer/Nightbringer splash art has finally been revealed by League of Legends

The splash art for the Dawnbringer/Nightbringer skins has finally been revealed and they look amazing. These could very well be some of the best skins that Riot has developed, and fans will find them very exciting as well. To promote the skins, Riot Games also released a trailer called Severing Fate, where they showcased Kayn and Yone. There is no doubt that Kayn is by far the most exciting amongst all of the other skins and will surely be the legendary as well.


Kayn’s skin will include two different versions for his red form as well as blue form and, therefore, it makes sense if his skin is the costliest. Apart from Kayn and Yone, Tryndamere, Morgan, Vex and Lillia are also the newest additions to this popular skin line. The splash art for all the skins has been provided below:

1) Nightbringer Kayn

Nightbringer Kayn (Image via League of Legends)
Nightbringer Kayn (Image via League of Legends)

2) Dawnbringer Yone

Dawnbringer Yone (Image via League of Legends)
Dawnbringer Yone (Image via League of Legends)

3) Nightbringer Lillia

Nightbringer Lillia (Image via League of Legends)
Nightbringer Lillia (Image via League of Legends)

4) Nightbringer Tryndamere

Nightbringer Tryndamere (Image via League of Legends)
Nightbringer Tryndamere (Image via League of Legends)

5) Dawnbringer Vex

Dawnbringer Vex (Image via League of Legends)
Dawnbringer Vex (Image via League of Legends)

6) Dawnbringer Morgana

Dawnbringer Morgana (Image via League of Legends)
Dawnbringer Morgana (Image via League of Legends)

7) Nightbringer Kayn Prestige Edition

Nightbringer Kayn Prestige Edition (Image via League of Legends)
Nightbringer Kayn Prestige Edition (Image via League of Legends)

Since the skins have already made their entry into the PBE, they will definitely be released with patch 11.19, which is set to arrive on September 23. Along with the skins, new champion Vex The Gloomist is also set to make her debut within League of Legends.

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