League of Legends devs to make queue dodging even more punishing in future updates

League of Legends will have stricter measures for queue dodging soon (Image via Riot Games)
League of Legends will have stricter measures for queue dodging soon (Image via Riot Games)

Dodging matchmaking queue during "champion select" has been harming League of Legends’ competitive integrity ever since the MOBA’s ranked system came into being.

Though the developers have been quite vocal about the harms of dodging, it’s still a prevalent issue in the game, even after strict measures were put in place.

Hence, with future updates, Riot Games will be looking to take a step further in penalizing disruptive behavior in the game.

In a recent tweet, League of Legends’ “Competitive Team Design Lead” Jordan Checkman talked about queue dodging and how the developers will be looking to tackle the issue in the coming months.

Dodging matchmaking queue during "champion select" has been harming League of Legends’ competitive integrity (Image via Riot Games)
Dodging matchmaking queue during "champion select" has been harming League of Legends’ competitive integrity (Image via Riot Games)

When talking about queue dodging in League of Legends, Checkman said:

“When a player dodges, the matchmaker has to throw everyone back into queue and form new teams out of the remaining players. This can be a headache at all levels of play, but is especially bad in places with a low player population, like the top of the ladder. Already-long queue times get even worse and match quality goes down because the matchmaker has to pull from a wider skill range to fill open positions. Dodging gets everyone into matches more slowly, and the matches are worse.”

Competitive integrity has been one of Riot Games' primary goals for each of their titles, and dodging matchmaking queue hampers that considerably.

League of Legends to have stricter measures for dodging

Dodging champion select is not just an issue in the lower-ranked tiers of League of Legends. It also exists in the higher ranks, as challenger and immortal players often restart matchmaking so that they can get a favorable team composition.

Riot Games will be looking to take a step further in penalizing disruptive behavior in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Riot Games will be looking to take a step further in penalizing disruptive behavior in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Checkman had the following to say in this regard:

“We also believe that intentionally dodging ranked games to guarantee favorable circumstances reduces the competitive integrity of League of Legends. We expect players to try their hardest in all situations, even those that are uphill battles from the start.”

Each League of Legends rank tier has a considerable amount of “one-tricks,” who dodge the most. When their champion is banned or taken away, they often rage out of the lobby and wait for the next queue to finally get their hands on the champion and role that they play.

Queue-dodge penalty is a priority for Riot Games (Image via Riot Games)
Queue-dodge penalty is a priority for Riot Games (Image via Riot Games)

To combat this, the League of Legends devs proposed two changes: “Adding New Punishments to Champ Select Reporting” and “Autofill/Secondary Role Parity.”

When talking about the former, Checkman explained:

“This will be a way for players to report someone who is intentionally planning to ruin the game from champ select and have that player bear the consequences of their behavior.”

Autofill/Secondary Role Parity, on the other hand, will:

“prioritize both teams having the same roles auto-filled, not just the same number of players. This is an improvement that didn't make it into last year's general matchmaking updates, but with the added urgency around the dodging issue, we're reprioritizing it now.”
Competitive integrity has been one of Riot's primary goals for each of their titles (Image via Riot Games)
Competitive integrity has been one of Riot's primary goals for each of their titles (Image via Riot Games)

Riot Games are looking to re-focus on the type of quality of life changes they would like to bring to League of Legends, and it seems queue-dodge penalty is a priority on their list.

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