League of Legends LoLdle answers 323: Friday, May 26, 2023

LoLdle answers for May 26, 2023 (Image via Riot Games)
LoLdle answers for May 26, 2023 (Image via Riot Games)

The League of Legends LoLdle answers for its 323rd edition have been unveiled. This iteration features some LoL champions with a low pick rate in ranked games. Hence, fans may find it difficult to answer all of them correctly. The puzzle includes five types of guessing games related to LoL champions and their different aspects. In this article, we've provided the answers released on May 26, 2023.


Xerath, Syndra, and more feature in League of Legends LoLdle answers 323 (May 26, 2023)

The following are the LoLdle answers for May 26, 2023:

  • Classic: Xerath
  • Quote: Xin Zhao
  • Ability: Nilah Bonus: E
  • Emoji: Syndra
  • Splash Art: Sivir, Bonus: Odyssey Sivir

Previous League of Legends LoLdle answers

The following are some of the previously revealed LoLdle answers:

  • LoLdle, May 25, 2023: Quinn, Yone, Gwen, Miss Fortune, Fizz
  • LoLdle, May 24, 2023: Warwick, Garen, Singed, Nunu, Ashe
  • LoLdle, May 23, 2023: Yorick, Nilah, Zeri, Fiora, Rek'Sai
  • LoLdle, May 22, 2023: Wukong, Renata, Glasc, Tahm Kench, Aphelios, Soraka
  • LoLdle, May 21, 2023: Kalista, Ekko, Lux, Karthus, Senna
  • LoLdle, May 20, 2023: Akali, Cho’Gath, Tristana, Tahm Kench, Bel’Veth
  • LoLdle, May 19, 2023: Zyra, K'Sante, Kalista, Tristana, Jayce
  • LoLdle, May 18, 2023: Kassadin, Soraka, Ekko, Skarner, Trundle
  • LoLdle, May 17, 2023: Amumu, Jax, Katarina, Rumble, Shen
  • LoLdle, May 16, 2023: Qiyana, Taric, Ivern, Shyvana, Anivia
  • LoLdle, May 15, 2023: Annie, Veigar, Amumu, Talon, Maokai
  • LoLdle, May 14, 2023: Trundle, Malphite, Anivia, Akali, Ryze
  • LoLdle, May 13, 2023: Illaoi, Katarina, Poppy, Braum, Amumu

Today's answers are quite difficult to predict, as some champions are uncommon in ranked or professional matches. Notably, Xerath is a support champion in LoL, and it can be tough to guess his name by seeing the region and species.

However, Xin Zhao is a pretty popular jungle champion in the current meta, and most junglers should recognize his quote.

Nilah is one of the new champions in League of Legends, so her ability is hard to guess. Meanwhile, Syndra is a famous mid-lane champion, so fans might catch her name by seeing the emojis. Unfortunately, Sivir has numerous skins in the game, which makes it tough to deduce this particular splash art from a small portion.