League of Legends’ top lane is only enjoyable to “psychopaths”: says TSM’s Doublelift

Top lane is the hardest role in League of Legends according to Doublelift (Image via League of Legends)
Top lane is the hardest role in League of Legends according to Doublelift (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends is a brutal game when it comes to ranked matchmaking and solo queueing.

Every day, thousands of players log into the game in order to play ranked and try to climb up the ladder. The ultimate goal of every player is to reach Challenger tier which is the pinnacle of League of Legends' ranking system.

However, League of Legends is a type of game that forces a player to play a particular role. Obviously, doing so has a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages which means that players will certainly have to face the consequences if they are trying to reach the very top. Every role has its weaknesses, but the top lane is probably the worst amongst the lot.

TSM legend Doublelift commented on this topic in a recent stream about how difficult it is for a top lane player to climb up rankings.

Doublelift agrees with League of Legends streamer tyler1's opinion of difficult lanes

tyler1 is a popular streamer and is considered the biggest within the League of Legends community. He is, by far, the most well known name within the player base and for good reason.

Even though tyler1 is quite famous for his crazy antics to people outside the League of Legends community, there is no denying the fact that he is one of the most skilled players in the game. He has reached Challenger in multiple roles and that is something that very few players even dare to try.

tyler1 reached Challenger rank on midlane very recently and he commented on the difficulty level of every other lane. He claimed that the top lane was the worst and TSM’s all-time great Doublelift agreed with that claim.

Doublelift went on to say that the top lane is made for “psychopaths” and there is a valid reason behind this claim. The top lane relies quite heavily on the performance of the team's jungler. In solo queue games, a good jungler will continue ganking the top lane over and over to ensure that his ally gets an advantage in the lane.


This is because a fed top laner is considered to be a guaranteed win condition and therefore, teams try invest a lot into the lane. However, jungle is said to be the least understood role in League of Legends and this often leads to griefing allied players and trolls who keep messing up their jungle pathing.

This eventually leads to a bad scenario where the top laner is subjected to continuous ganks and pressure. When a player chooses the top lane, they have chosen to face these issues as that is how the lane works and there is no way to avoid it.

Apart from that, if the allied midlaner decides to grief the top laner, then the game is already lost. This makes playing in this particular lane quite risky and a true test of a player's mental fortitude.

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