League of Legends' Vex: When is the gloomy yordle scheduled to release

Riot has provided a definitive release date for Vex in League of Legends
Riot has provided a definitive release date for Vex in League of Legends

Vex is the highly anticipated champion that was showcased in the Sentinels of Light event within League of Legends.

Vex is a yordle and is the first to come within League of Legends since 2016. The Sentinels of Light event within League of Legends was quite a failure. Players were disappointed with the way the lore was handled and the various inconsistencies with how Viego’s life was portrayed.

The written lore and the one shown within the game made no sense. Apart from that, the introduction of multiple characters conflicted with the lore that has been built till date and therefore players felt that it was quite unnecessary and was only done to sell skins.

However, one character stood out amongst all and that was Vex. Therefore, players are hungry to know what she does, especially after Riot Games mentioned that her release date is set to be somewhere around September.

Vex might be a defining factor within League of Legends’ World Championships

Riot Games have confirmed that Vex will be released on September 23, 2021 within League of Legends. This will be along with the release of 11.19 which is going to be the second part of the Worlds 2021 patch within League of Legends. 11.18 is the first part of the patch and Riot Games is practically shifting the entire meta with the changes.

This means that players can expect a lot from 11.19 as well and with the release of Vex, it is understandable that players will be excited to see how she changes the dynamics of the game. Vex is a control mage, and similar to Orianna, she can be a defining factor in high-level matches. However, historically, Riot has been extremely poor when it comes to balancing new champions.

Gwen, Akshan and Viego have proved that new champions are always broken and it takes multiple patches to just fix them. Akshan has been permanently disabled from League of Legends World Championships 2021, as the developers are clueless on how to balance his revival ability. Therefore, if Vex turns out similar to them, it is possible that she will be banned permanently in the draft phase itself.

This will be good from the players' point of view as they will not have to spend any time learning the new champion just before Worlds. In 2019, Pantheon was banned in every match of Worlds and in 2017, Kallista received similar treatment. In truth, Vex seems fun and her initial design appealed to a lot of players. Therefore, it will be a shame if she does not make a single appearance.

However, all of this is just far fetched speculation as everything should be clear once September 23 finally arrives.

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