League of Legends introduces 'Three Honors' skinline to reward players for positive behavior

Riot to reward non-toxic League players with Three Honors skins (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Riot to reward non-toxic League players with Three Honors skins (Image via Riot Games)

Although it's wise to act appropriately while playing League of Legends, some players may require additional encouragement to stay calm when a teammate isn't performing at their best.

Riot Games have been rather vocal about their efforts to address toxicity in their games on a regular basis. Furthermore, they have put into effect many different methods to assist in reporting and regulating toxic behavior in all their titles, ranging from Valorant to League of Legends.

The developers recently announced that they will be implementing a brand new reward system for players consistently exhibiting good behavior in-game as part of their latest effort to reduce toxicity in League of Legends.

Following the success of "Honor Recalls," which were given to players who consistently received praise from teammates, League of Legends will now introduce the "Three Honors" skin line. This skin line will only be made available as a reward for players who reach Honor Level five by the end of the competitive season.

Mazahar will be the first champion to feature in League of Legends' Three Honors skinline

Malzahar will be the first champion to receive a Three Honors skin (Image via Riot Games)
Malzahar will be the first champion to receive a Three Honors skin (Image via Riot Games)

The Three Honors skin line will replace the customary chroma prizes for Grey Warwick and Medieval Twitch that were given to high-honor players. However, Riot has confirmed that these chromas will still be made available through Honor 5 capsules.

League of Legends' Prophet of the Void, Malzahar, will be the first champion to receive a Three Honors skin. League of Legends' Behavioral Systems Product Lead Hana “TimTamMonster” Dinh confirmed that the Three Honors Malzahar skin will be made accessible to Honor 5 players at the conclusion of the 2022 competitive season.

Similar to Riot's existing Victorious skin line, which is awarded to players who attain Gold or higher in the game's ranked system, the Three Honors line will receive a new skin every year.

Based on general community feedback, the developers seem to have listened and made changes since the prizes for achieving the greatest level of Honor were becoming stale for many. As a result, more players will want to remain upbeat, even in the face of challenging circumstances.

Furthermore, Riot explained how Honor is computed for players. However, they didn't reveal all the specifics in order to stop people from exploiting the Honor system to obtain free gear. Instead, TimTamMonster stated that being continually upbeat and positive would hasten the accumulation of Honor points.

If players are honored by their matchmade teammates as opposed to premade teammates, they will also score extra points. These game types will award more Honor than ARAM and event modes, and Honor from ranking solo and flex teammates are worth much more than Honor from regular game teammates.

Riot to take a step ahead for reducing League of Legends' in-game toxicity

TimTamMonster further explained that the game would be receiving more systems to enhance the overall gameplay. Specifically, she affirmed that Riot would soon develop a feature allowing players to report others during a game itself rather than waiting until the post-game lobby.

She also said that the upcoming "premade-only chat" feature would let users choose to only talk to other people they had chosen to queue up with. At the same time, Riot is also working on in-game chat live moderation, which will immediately erase any offensive words and mute the offending player.

However, the concept is still in a very nascent stage and League of Legends fans should not expect it anytime soon, as Riot is yet to come up with an official timeline for the feature.

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