League of Legends Worlds 2021 might feature Talon and Zed as part of the jungle meta

Zed and Talon could become part of jungle meta at Worlds 2021 (Image via League of Legends)
Zed and Talon could become part of jungle meta at Worlds 2021 (Image via League of Legends)

The League of Legends World Championships 2021 might feature two of the most unorthodox champions in the jungle as part of the meta.

Riot Games have shifted the meta quite enormously with patches 11.18 and 11.19. They have suddenly made midlane assassins viable in the jungle by increasing the damage that they deal to monsters.

Midlane assassins are usually very squishy, and rely on landing combos and burst damage. However, once the damage dealt to monsters is increased, they become viable within the jungle as well.

Two such champions that have become very popular in the jungle are Talon and Zed within League of Legends.

League of Legends’ new jungle meta is set to feature midlane assassins Talon and Zed at Worlds 2021

Talon and Zed are two very unique champions within League of Legends. Both of these assasins can be handled very well through crowd control and stuns.

However, when they are moved into the jungle, the risk of getting stomped by strong midlaners is gone. They can farm up their items and also provide support through ganks. The farm is sort of uninterrupted within the jungle and thereby it speeds up the timing for the mythic item.

Apart from that, since Zed and Talon are assassins, it means that their burst damage is unmatched within League of Legends. Any squishy ADC will die as soon as these two champions land their ultimates on them. Therefore, it makes them a terror to deal with as well.

Finally, being in the jungle leads to an element of surprise as well. When these champions are in the midlane, it is easy to keep track of their movement. However, unless the enemy team wards well, one can easily remain unnoticed in the jungle and launch surprise ganks.

Even though they might not be first picks, the chances are that the jungle meta at the League of Legends World Championships is probably going to be quite interesting at the very least.

However, it is important to realize that Talon and Zed are very weak in the early game. Early five player ganks will put the team having these two champions at a severe disadvantage. Therefore, they should only be expected as pocket picks and not the primary focus of professional players.

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