Legends of Runeterra ranked meta: Aggro decks and why you should play it in patch 2.18.0

Bandle Burn deck will likely once again do well (Image via Riot Games)
Bandle Burn deck will likely once again do well (Image via Riot Games)

Legends of Runeterra has introduced a new live balance system in the game via the latest patch, 2.18.0.

Legends of Runeterra's new ranked season, Between Worlds, has started recently with the patch. Riot Games have introduced many changes to their existing system of card updates. The new live balance system change system introduces a monthly card update system.

According to Riot Games, the new system will ensure that players won't have to depend on content releases entirely. With monthly tweaks to card stats, the meta will keep shifting, ensuring that gameplay doesn't become stale, especially in ranked mode. In fact, Between Worlds has already witnessed different decks in its very early days.

Legends of Runeterra: Why Aggro decks will still be viable, and you should play it

Aggro decks represent decks that play a very aggressive playstyle in Legends of Runeterra. These decks focus on short, high-tempo matches where the player tries to finish as quickly as possible. The responsibility is to damage the opponent's nexus and units without paying too much attention to setting up the board.

Aggro decks are typically low-cost decks in Legends of Runeterra. This is because most of the units, spells, and champions of Aggro decks are low in cost and easy to set up. The prime meta tactic of Aggro decks is to flood the board. As a result, your opponent can block at most 2-3 of your units at a time.

During the Beyond the Bandlewood season, Aggro decks were the top performers. The Bandle Burn deck was top of the charts with the highest win rate and play rate. Pirate Burn and Rally Elusives followed Bandle Burn. With Rally and a few Bandle City units being nerfed, a natural question arises - should you play Aggro decks in Between Worlds ranked season?

In short, yes, and these are some key reasons why Aggro decks will still likely do well in Between Worlds ranked season of Legends of Runeterra.

1) Easy to play

Everyone plays ranked, but not everyone is a pro. Beginners can play poorly with complex control or midrange decks. They will either make too many mistakes or play in a way that is poor in general. Aggro decks play in an easy-to-understand way, and while that may seem too linear at times, it's an excellent way for starting players to master ranked in Legends of Runeterra.

2) Great to build cheap decks


Legends of Runeterra is the most generous digital CCG on the market at the moment. The players still need some time to get a proper meta deck. Wins help to get resources faster. Aggro decks like Spider deck form one of the cheapest beginner decks that help you thrive in the lower tiers until you can build a better deck.

3) Variety


Aggro decks may have similar playstyles but still vary between the decks in Legends of Runeterra. For example, Bandle Burn, Pirate Burn, and Rally Elusives were all Tier 1, yet played differently.

4) Escaped nerf

Pirate Burn has escaped nerfing entirely. The nerfs that Rally and Bandle Burn have got are not defining. If anything, the cards have been made more balanced with the existing balance in Legends of Runeterra. Players can still opt to play them and expect to do well.


In conclusion, Aggro decks are entertaining decks that look to either win the match in a few rounds or go out all guns blazing in Legends of Runeterra. They sometimes irritate the more experienced players, but it is a great way to play for beginners and veterans alike.

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