List of collectible ascension materials for Baal to farm before Genshin Impact 2.1 Update

Baal will need plenty of materials to ascend when she releases (Image via Genshin Impact/Dimbreath)
Baal will need plenty of materials to ascend when she releases (Image via Genshin Impact/Dimbreath)

Genshin Impact leaks have revealed Baal's ascension materials, and players who plan to summon this new 5-star character will want to gather these items to prepare for her release. Baal will be the first featured 5-star character in Genshin Impact 2.1 according to recent leaks, and she will wield a Polearm and the power of Electro.

Many of her ascension materials will not be obtainable until the new update releases, but fans can get a head start by gathering some of them now. Here's how ascension materials can be farmed before update 2.1.

Genshin Impact leaks: Farmable ascension materials for Baal before 2.1

Genshin Impact characters usually require a lot of materials to fully ascend to level 90, and Baal is no different. She will need plenty of materials from Inazuma, and fans can begin farming some of them early to make her ascension easier. If players want to begin farming for Baal early, here's a list of items that they can grab before she releases in update 2.1:

Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones:

Players don't have many options when it comes to farming for Baal. Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones can be gathered from defeating the Electro Hypostasis, though gamers may be better off saving the Resin to fight the new Thunder Manifestation boss, as it will also drop the purple gems.

  1. 1x Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
  2. 9x Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
  3. 9x Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
  4. 6x Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone

Inazuman Handguards:

Baal will need plenty of Handguards to both ascend and level up her talents, so players will definitely want to farm the Nobushi that can be found around Inazuma. Defeating these Nobushi can be a tough task, but it will be worth it once fans have enough Handguards to ascend their Baal to level 90. Here's how many players will need:

  1. 18x Old Handguards
  2. 30x Kageuchi Handguards
  3. 36x Famed Handguards

The Genshin Impact interactive map can also be taken advantage of to find locations to farm these tough foes and gather tons of Handguards easily.

Until Genshin Impact 2.1 releases, players won't be able to farm the other needed ascension materials for Baal, as the Thunder Manifestation and the Tenkumo Fruits will be locked on those islands. Players will need to locate and collect these remaining items to ascend their Baal to 90:

  1. 168x Tenkumo Fruit
  2. 46x Storm Beads

Genshin Impact 2.1 is only a few weeks away and Baal should be released with this new update.

Also read: Genshin Impact 2.1 Livestream date and time revealed: Redeem codes, Kokomi, and Baal banner details expected