LOL: Nerfs incoming for Top Lane Sona and Stopwatch

Riot to bring nerfs for Sona in the top lane
Riot to bring nerfs for Sona in the top lane

The Top lane support meta has been on the rise in the recent patches. And picks like Soraka and Sona have been dominating the meta in not just Solo queue but in pro play as well.

In the Week 2 of the League of Legends LEC Spring Split, when G2’s Martin ‘Wunder’ Hansen took over the competition with his top lane Soraka pick, Riot finally decided to nerf her to the ground.

However, Soraka isn’t the only dominating top lane support pick that was smashing games and late game team fights at the moment. Sona has risen in the ranks and popularity as well, and she is sitting at over a 57% percent win rate at the moment, which is just insane to be perfectly honest.

Yetter tweeted about some of the expected changes that 10.4 might bring
Yetter tweeted about some of the expected changes that 10.4 might bring

In one of his recent tweets, Mark Yetter talked about how the balance team will be bringing changes to both Sona and Soraka’s top lane dominance.

But apart from these two, there is one item that will be receiving a few nerfs in patch 10.4. In this current aggressive, tower-dive meta, the Stopwatch has grown to be an incredibly valuable item on the professional stage.

And Riot wants to ‘change or reduce its presence,’ as according to Yetter the item is “used too often by a wide range of champions in a typical game”.

The balance team would like to explore different ways and tweak with the item in the PBE at the moment. The 10.4 patch is going to be a huge one, and everyday Riot is adding something new to tinker with in the PBE servers at the moment.

Currently, more tweaks are being added to the PBE, and Riot might be bringing more nerfs to Aphelios, along with a buff to support LUX, Jayce, and Exhaust.

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