MaximilianMus deletes channel after Cr1TiKaL labels him the “worst Youtuber”

Image via Cr1TiKaL & MaximilianMus
Image via Cr1TiKaL & MaximilianMus

MaximilianMus, famous for his "oh yeah" meme, deleted his YouTube channel after Cr1TiKaL called him out for harassing and bullying others.

If users were to go to MaximilianMus' YouTube Channel, they would see this:

Image via YouTube
Image via YouTube

The YouTuber has disappeared entirely with no confirmed word as to why. This is believed to be due to a video Cr1TiKaL posted detailing Max's harassment of several other streamers. The video below has clips and descriptions that are incredibly difficult to watch and listen to. Please be warned.


In this video, Cr1TiKaL doesn't hold back. He states that MaximilianMus milked what little fame he had to hurt and bully others to a torturous degree. He even mentions that many MaximilianMus fans may be paedophiles and states that this is a warning to other fans of MaximilianMus.

One vocal streamer who was bullied is named WEEST. WEEST’s Tweets had a lot of the evidence mentioned by Cr1TiKal, which will be shown below.:

Once Cr1TiKal made this known, Twitter exploded in hate for MaximilianMus. Searching Twitter for his name only shows how massive of a movement against him Cr1TiKal created. Days of hate seem to have had their effect on MaximilianMus because searching for his Twitch shows this image:

Image via Twitch
Image via Twitch

This was one clip of MaximilianMus’ response to the entire situation:


At the moment, MaximilianMus has not made a confirmed public comment about the reason for his disappearance, and he does not seem to have any social media accounts through which to spread any type of message.

Related: YouTube apologizes to Cr1TiKaL and Markiplier for channel strikes

Related: Maxtern explains why Carry Minati's viral YouTube video got removed

MaximilianMus’ channel deletions were noticed by many who celebrated his disappearance.

Within the many Tweets celebrating the deletion of MaximilianMus' channel.

This message, possibly from Maximilian, is unconfirmed, but it is popular, so it is included here.

WEEST, the notable streamer who was bullied by MaximilianMus, looked up the channel on his stream and saw that it no longer existed. WEEST’s chat explodes with happiness, and WEEST dances and celebrates.

This may mark the end of MaximilianMus and the controversy surrounding him. There seem to be no opportunities for Maximilian to make money from streaming since he has a dead YouTube channel, and he doesn't appear to have a Twitch channel. As a result, his career has been effectively ended.

Related: Leafy's YouTube account has officially been terminated

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