MLB The Show 23 guide: Best pitching mode to use

All pitching modes in MLB The Show 23 (Image via San Diego Studio)
All pitching modes in MLB The Show 23 (Image via San Diego Studio)

MLB The Show 23 has been released, and you can immerse yourself in many game modes, including the extensive storyline mode. It is best to thoroughly understand the fundamental gameplay elements, such as pitching, before diving into MLB The Show 23. You may pick from several pitching modes to rule the game. Pitching options in MLB The Show 23 include Pinpoint, Meter, Pure Analog, Pulse, and Classic. With the buttons shown next to the batter in all of these settings, you may throw fastballs, curveballs, and other sorts of pitches.

The ball may then be pitched by using the left stick on the controllers to tilt them in the proper direction.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the writer's opinions

All pitching modes and the best one to use in MLB The Show 23


Before mastering, discussing the various ways and interfaces you may use to execute the pitches in MLB The Show 23 is vital. To achieve the most outstanding results, it is advised that you practice with each of the five pitching types to acquire a handle on them and stay with one throughout the game.

You can use the following pitching modes in MLB The Show 23:

  • Pinpoint: You must copy patterns with the left analog stick to pitch a ball.
  • Classic: A more straightforward version wherein you can press the corresponding button, aim with the left stick, and deliver a pitch.
  • Pure Analog: Similar to Pinpoint mode, but requires you to use the right stick for better control of the accuracy of the pitch and then use the left bar to choose the direction.
  • Pulse: This mode allows you to determine the pitch's success by depicting a pulsating circle that shrinks in size when you are closer to executing a great pitch.
  • Meter: You must click within a marked section of a meter to choose the power and accuracy of the pitch and throw it with another click.

The Pinpoint mode is good for you if you are the kind of player that requires total control of your pitches regarding accuracy, power, and direction.


To pitch the ball correctly in this mode, you must utilize your controller's left analog stick and mimic the patterns shown on the screen. This option is perfect for you if you prefer a more immersive experience. Refer to this guide for the best-hitting settings to use.

However, Pinpoint mode demands a lot of accuracy in matching the pattern's speed. You should also be aware that each pitch has a unique way. A fastball, for instance, has a straight line, while a slider pitch type has a complicated method that resembles the letter G reversed. Although there is a high learning curve, this option eventually produces superior outcomes.

If the Pinpoint mode is too complicated for you and hinders your experience with MLB The Show 23, then you can opt for the Meter pitch mode. All you need to do is initiate the pitch (first tap) and then tap again to get the desired power behind the rise (the left section of the meter gets filled up in yellow), and then the last tap determines the accuracy of the throw.

MLB The Show 23 is available on all major platforms like PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch. Before delving into it, you can check out our team's review of this popular baseball franchise.

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