New set of Genshin Impact leaks shows the Electro-type Travelers: Possible content for the Inazuma region update?

A leaked Electro-type Traveler in Genshin Impact hints at the Inazuma region update (Image via Lumie, Twitter)
A leaked Electro-type Traveler in Genshin Impact hints at the Inazuma region update (Image via Lumie, Twitter)

Genshin Impact might reveal the Inazuma region sooner than expected.

As data miners continue to dig for more information regarding upcoming content, a new set of leaks has surfaced on the internet.

These new leaks show the Traveler's character description screen with the Electro elemental theme. Apart from the protagonist, a new Electro-type enemy has been leaked in the process too.

If these rumors come true, players might get their hands on this new content with the Inazuma region's introduction in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact leak shows the Electro-type Travelers

These leaks come from the Twitter user, lumie_lumie, well known in the community for fan art and leaking upcoming Genshin Impact-related content. The latest set of leaks shows the character description screen of the Traveler-siblings, including their idle animations.

Like the Anemo and Geo-element-themed backgrounds, the characters' Electro-themed backgrounds can be seen in the 25-second long clip.

As most players know, Liyue and Mondstadt are based on the Geo and Anemo elements, respectively. Similarly, the Inazuma region is confirmed to be the land of Electro and will introduce the Electro Archon, Baal, in the future.

Genshin Impact players can currently resonate their main character's element to Geo or Anemo by visiting the "Statues of the Seven" at Liyue and Mondstadt.

If the leaks come true, gamers can also resonate their main character's element to Electro by visiting one of the "Statues of the Seven" at Inazuma.

Lumie has also mentioned that the Electro-type Elemental Skill and Burst of the characters are not yet available in the mined files. The user has also uploaded a clip attempting to cast the same abilities in Genshin Impact.

Also read: Genshin Impact 1.5 leaks: Everything we know about Yanfei so far

Possible content for Inazuma region update in Genshin Impact?

Earlier, a new Electro-type enemy named "The Abyss Lector: Violet Lightning" was leaked too.

Although it's too soon to conclude if Inazuma will be arriving in version 1.5 or 1.6, the leaks denote that Inazuma-related content is already under development.

The leakers have not mentioned the exact version of the game in which the Electro-traveler or the Abyss Lector will be introduced. However, the back-to-back Electro-themed leaks hint that the developers are already working on the Land of Electro, Inazuma.

Also read: Eula and Zhongli's story quests spotted in Genshin Impact 1.5 leaks

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