Fortnite: How to jump high enough to have a minute of hang time

(Image Credit: Epic Games)
(Image Credit: Epic Games)

Fortnite is a game which inspires the creativity of players all over the world, as players attempt to mix and match skill and strategy in order to overcome their opponents. Now, that creativity has paid off in a new way, as players have found an interesting combination of items that allows them to jump high enough into the air to have nearly a full minute of hang time before landing back on solid ground.

Ways to jump in Fortnite

Fortnite has quite a few different options for expanding your upward mobility, so the simple list of ways to jump is actually quite extensive. Naturally, players can jump unassisted from the ground, but that only achieves a small hop, and isn’t all that useful for escaping a bad situation.

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However, Fortnite is no slouch when it comes to offering variety, and so there are a few things you can do to increase your mobility. Perhaps one of the most useful items is the bounce pad, a rapid-inflating balloon like pad that knocks players away when they touch it. In Fortnite, this is mostly used to quickly jump out of a bad situation, although there are other more niche uses.

This season of Fortnite also has some more unique options too. With all the Marvel characters taking up residence on the island, players are able to collect mythic items which give them unique tools for a variety of situations. For this situation, the Iron Man mythic item is relevant.

Iron Man’s Repulsors give players the ability to fly for a decent period of time, something that is pretty useful even just on its own.

But what happens when you combine them?


As you can see in the video, using Iron Man’s gloves after jumping up off a bounce pad launches you quite high into the sky that you can almost seem to float. The duration alone is long enough that it’s easy to see how this can be used. In combination, this allows players to duck out of a fight under almost any situation for a long time.

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