Genshin Impact Anniversary update: New playable characters, Sumeru map and more

The game's second anniversary is coming soon (Image via Genshin Impact)
The game's second anniversary is coming soon (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact's second anniversary is about to arrive alongside a massive update that adds tons of content to the hit game. This update will introduce a huge new region, playable characters, tons of story quests and plenty of opportunities for players to farm Primogems.

The game's second anniversary will take place on September 28, and will likely last for several days as rewards are given out.

Players will want to make sure they log in for this event and gather all of the great items after its release.

Genshin Impact: New anniversary event bringing a ton of content

Genshin Impact's second anniversary is on September 28, with players having a lot to look forward to from the massive update. They will be able to take on new quests, explore the region of Sumeru, and summon for powerful new characters like Tighnari and Collei.

This anniversary will likely bring some amazing rewards to avoid the same controversy as last year.

Players will also be able to look forward to some incredible reruns during the anniversary period, with leakers speculating that Ganyu and Zhongli will return for the second half of the 3.0 update.

Those who have yet to summon these incredible Liyue characters will want to ensure they can add at least one of them to their party, as they have consistently dominated the game's meta.

Many are hoping that Genshin Impact's second anniversary will go better than the original, as the controversy surrounding the first was a tough time for the community.

Most players were outraged at the low rewards that were provided, and took to review bombing the game and causing its star rating to drop significantly. Hopefully, the same situation won't resurface, and fans will be appeased by the rewards arriving during this update.


The anniversary will also coincide with the release of Sumeru, though it will arrive during the latter half of the 3.0 update. Sumeru is the land of Dendro, and it will bring a massive new area for one to explore, full of treasures and Primogems.

There will be a ton of new characters for players to wish for as the 3.0 update will bring Tighnari, Collei, and Dori to the game's roster. With all of this content coming, fans will definitely have a lot to do during the second anniversary of Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact's second anniversary will be a huge event, and fans won't want to miss out.

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