"Is the web app an L?": Fans react as EA Sports makes advanced SBCs untradeable in FIFA 23

The release of the web app for FIFA 23 has left a lot of fans disappointed (Images via EA Sports)
The release of the web app for FIFA 23 has left a lot of fans disappointed (Images via EA Sports)

The web app for FIFA 23 was released last night, officially kickstarting the annual FIFA game cycle. Excitement was at an all-time high as fans were eager to log in and begin their FIFA 23 journey. However, the release turned out to be a rather disappointing affair, as some of the changes implemented by EA Sports have negatively impacted the overall experience of the game.

Squad Building Challenges, also known as SBCs, are a vital part of FIFA Ultimate Team. SBCs can be used to unlock special versions of players or get packs in FUT. Advanced SBCs are complex and difficult challenges that provide players with expensive packs, making them popular with players during the initial stages of the game.

However, with the new chemistry system in FUT, many are having difficulty completing these advanced SBCs. Additionally, the rewards from these SBCs are now untradeable, making it impossible to profit off of the challenges. This has caused a stir on social media, and most fans are unhappy with the changes.

Fans take to Twitter to discuss the disappointing release of the FIFA 23 web app

The FIFA 23 web app was made available at about 7:00 pm GST, and the servers dealt with the traffic a lot better than in previous years. However, the changes made by EA Sports in the FIFA 23 SBCs caught a lot of fans off guard.

One fan took to Twitter to question whether the entire web app experience would be redundant now that players can't profit and make coins from advanced SBCs.

Another disgruntled player argued that the web app was "an L" because of the new chemistry system that makes SBCs more challenging and the rewards untradeable.

Untradeable rewards weren't the only issue with the SBCs, as fans discovered that the requirements for some challenges were mathematically impossible to meet, making these SBCs even more unappealing.

The community also noticed that the transfer list size had been reduced from 100 down to 30 on the web app. The majority of the playerbase will be using the web app to trade and make coins before the full game gets released, and this severely limits their ability to make the most out of their time on the app.

Untradeable rewards have also hindered the ability of players to make coins, as they can no longer sell the contents of the packs they receive from completing SBCs. This severely affects an individual player's buying power, and very few players will have the coins to buy expensive players. As a result, player prices have plummeted, with even meta players selling at low prices.

Traders on Twitter kept track of these overpowered cards on the market, informing their followers whenever a sale was available. Cards that usually sell for millions of coins, such as Kylian Mbappe, were being purchased for under 200k, much to the surprise of the community.

Elite-tier icons suffered in a similar manner, as even the best icon cards in the game were being purchased for a fraction of the price that one would expect to pay.

With five more days of the web app experience before early access for FIFA 23 begins, fans will be hoping that EA Sports fixes some of these issues so that the game is more conducive to beginners.

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