"It's meaningless": HasanAbi elaborates on why the Hogwarts Legacy boycott is not working to the benefit of the trans community

HasanAbi's opinion on the Hogwarts Legacy boycott controversy (Image via Portkey Games)

During his recent stream, while hosting a fundraiser for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, HasanAbi discussed his perspective on the effectiveness of the boycott on Hogwarts Legacy. Despite calls for a boycott of the game from parts of the trans community, HasanAbi pointed out that it has still been attracting high viewership numbers on Twitch, and the number of concurrent players on Steam continues to grow.

The socio-political commentator voiced his opinion on why the boycott has not resonated with the masses, with his main argument being that not playing Hogwarts Legacy as an act of protest was "meaningless in the grand scheme of things" and would not help the trans community in a meaningful way.

"Because the demand is so marginal and so silly, most people go, 'What, no! What the f*ck are you talking about.' That's just it because it's so meaningless in the grand scheme of things."

"Make a better ask": HasanAbi thinks trans activists should ask for more fundamental change rather than boycotting Hogwarts Legacy

Just before the clip started, Piker was discussing Rowling and her controversial opinions about the transgender community. The streamer outright dismissed the notion that most Harry Potter fans even knew details about her political beliefs or the fact that she had written other books.

"People know JK Rowling made Harry Potter, they don't really know her political points. But if you were to talk to someone and be like, 'You know JK Rowling wrote another book?' Even the most avid Harry Potter fans will be like, 'What? She wrote other books that are not Harry Potter? That's crazy.'"

HasanAbi then went on to explain that the amount of money, or royalty, that Rowling gets from products such as Hogwarts Legacy was marginal:

"The cut that she gets from her IP being used in the game is marginal. And if you think that it's going to stop her from gaining prominence, you are also silly. Some things are completely beyond your power, so you have to make the most of a sh*tty situation."

Timestamp 1:10:49

Speaking about the trans community and those who felt offended or marginalized when Hogwarts Legacy was being talked about in the media, HasanAbi opined that the call to boycott a video game would have minimal impact on social perceptions of the trans community:

"I completely understand where you are coming from when you feel that a lot of people don't give a sh*t about you, okay? When you're like, 'What the f*ck? We just don't want people to play this one f*cking game and we are asking.' But what many do not recognize is, make a better ask."

HasanAbi further clarified the point, saying:

"So the very fact that you are asking for such a tiny thing in and of itself is perhaps half the reason that people are not taking it seriously. The other half is because, and this is the sad and scary state of affairs, is that people don't give a sh*t about trans people..."

Reddit reacts to HasanAbi's clip

Redditors on r/LivestreamFail had many reactions to HasanAbi's clip about Hogwarts Legacy. Here are some of them giving their own opinions on the points he made on stream:

One Reddit user suggested that people should have used the game to raise money for trans charities, something that HasanAbi wanted to do but abandoned after getting backlash.

The controversy surrounding Hogwarts Legacy has already taken a turn for the worse, with many streamers being trolled and bullied for streaming the game. On the other hand, numerous trans people associated with the gaming industry online have also been getting threats.

Here's a particular case where a renowned journalist was perpetually harassed by people comparing trans people to "mudbloods," a derogatory term used in the world of Harry Potter to denigrate wizards and witches with muggle parents as opposed to being "pure bloods."

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