League of Legends patch 12.13 Hotfix introduces massive nerfs for Master Yi, Gwen, and Sivir

League of Legends 12.13 hotfix goes live with new champion nerfs (Images via League of Legends)
League of Legends 12.13 hotfix goes live with new champion nerfs (Images via League of Legends)

League of Legends patch 12.13 just got a hotfix where Riot Games targeted Gwen, Master Yi, and Sivir with an extensive number of nerfs.

The hotfix comes just a day after the official patch went live, which had introduced buffs to Master Yi, as well as extensive reworks to both Gwen and Sivir.

Here are all the details regarding the hotfix and balance adjustments that have been made.

League of Legends 12.13 hotfix goes live with new champion nerfs

When talking about the Master Yi nerfs, Riot Phroxzon explained:

“Live servers are hotfixed with nerfs to Gwen, Master Yi Sivir. In Master Yi's case, we wanted to give him more optimizations to be more performant at high levels of play and then move power from his more statchecky elements after seeing how it landed. (though we overshoot).”

For the Gwen and Sivir nerfs in League of Legends, he stated:

“For Gwen and Sivir, the changelists were hard to predict and we're following up accordingly after their strong launches. W duration impact and E CD early being the main nerfs for Gwen and Sivir list being a lot of directionally good changes with just a lot of moving parts.”


It would seem that Riot Games might have gone a bit overboard with some of the changes that they introduced to Master Yi, Gwen, and Sivir in patch 12.13.

They will be retracting some of the changes by introducing nerfs to select parts of their kit and making them much more balanced in the current solo-queue and competitive meta.

The hotfix notes are as follows:


  • Base Health: 660 >>> 620
  • Passive healing from damage against champions: 60% of damage dealt >>> 50% of damage dealt
  • R- Cooldown: 100/90/80 >>> 120/100/80


Master Yi

  • Base AD: 66 >>> 65
  • AD Growth: 3 >>> 2.5
  • Q- Cooldown: 16/17.5/17/16.546 >>> 20/19.5/19/18.5/18
  • W - Damage Reduction: 60/62-5/65/67.5770%, Increased to 90% for the first 0.5 seconds >>> 45/47.5/50/52.5/55%, increased to 90% for the first 0.5 seconds


  • Q- Base Damage: 25/40/55/70/85 >>> 15/30/45/60/75
  • W- Mana Cost: 60 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
  • W- Cooldown: 10 >>> 12


  • Fixed a bug where boots would override Movement Speed gained from Mythic item passives if they were placed in an item slot lower than the Mythic item.

With the reworked kit and the subsequent nerfs now live, it will be quite interesting to see how the three champions fare in the season 12 meta. The community's eyes are sure to be on how much impact Gwen and Sivir will have on the professional stage moving forward.

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