Modern Warfare 2 eliminates container climbing in upcoming Shipment map

Modern Warfare 2
Modern Warfare 2's Shipment map no longer supports container climbing (Image via Activision)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will do away with the ability to climb containers in the forthcoming Shipment map. The map will be included in the game as part of the Season 1 Reloaded content. In a recent post published on their official site, the developers of Modern Warfare 2, Infinity Ward, revealed key information regarding the upcoming Shipment map.

The blog post describes a variety of adjustments that will be made to the map, as well as a rundown of everything unique to this version of the map. Shipment will receive several changes such as the inclusion of more crates for cover, the ability to use drill charges through containers, and the removal of container-climbing.

No more container-climbing in Modern Warfare 2's Shipment

As mentioned earlier, Modern Warfare 2's iteration of the Shipment will be doing away with the fun feature of container climbing. The map has been present in the game ever since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare launched back in 2007 and is considered to be the smallest map in the Call of Duty series. Matches can be chaotic, with everyone jammed into a tight space.

Since then, it has featured in several entries of the franchise, including Modern Warfare (2019) and Call of Duty: Vanguard. In both titles, players were able to climb to the top of the containers.

However, Modern Warfare 2's Shipment is getting rid of this feature. While MW2 comes with advanced movement mechanisms such as ledge grabs, these enhanced movement systems will largely remain unutilized on the map. To facilitate this, the developers have ensured that the top surface of the containers remains inaccessible to players.

This is accomplished by making the containers taller than before, which inhibits users from climbing them.

Inclusion of more crates in Shipment (Image via Activision)
Inclusion of more crates in Shipment (Image via Activision)

With this, Shipment will no longer facilitate vertical movement and fights, and all the action will take place within the ground area. To make up for it, the developers have implemented more crates on the map so players have more cover. Moreover, being able to use drill charges on the containers will bring about innovative and fun ways to tackle enemies in hiding.

As of now, this is all the information released about the removal of container climbing in MW2's Shipment.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded go live this December 14, at 10 am PT for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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