Official HoYoLAB Magazine to feature fan-made content for Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact, and other HoYoverse titles

HoYolab magazine will now feature artwork by Genshin Impact fans (Image via HoYoverse)
HoYolab magazine will now feature artwork by Genshin Impact fans (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact fans who love to create art will be delighted to learn about HoYoLAB Magazine. The brand new project by HoYoverse aims to feature fantastic artwork by the communities of Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact 3rd, Tears of Themis, and other prominent titles.

HoYoverse's action RPG has a ton of characters, a beautiful open world, and frequent events. As a result, it is common to see players sharing their favorite memories through self-made comics, animations, and cosplays.

Here's everything to know about HoYoLAB Magazine and why it could be a game-changer for talented artists.

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HoYoLAB Magazine to feature Genshin Impact NPCs like Kazari

The HoYoLAB Magazine has the following sections:

Theme Observation Room

This is a segment that appreciates several NPCs that couldn't become playable but are equally important for the lore. Just to name a few, these include Kazari from Genshin Impact, Frederica Nikola Tesla from Honkai Impact 3rd, and Darius Morgan.

Creator Chat Room

The chat room section is for interviewing creators whose art is featured in the magazine. They can talk about what inspired them to draw, their best creations, and a lot more.

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Quality Fan Works Display Hall

Best described by HoYoLAB Magazine itself, this section displays the 'coolest' content by the artists in the community. From emojis and cosplay to videos and illustrations, players can find all sorts of fan submissions here.

HoYoLAB Magazine is the ideal platform for aspiring Genshin Impact artists

As mentioned earlier, the community has several talented individuals who regularly share their stunning art. However, they usually fail to get recognition from the developers, and fan art contests are the only opportunity for them to make a name for themselves.

However, with the HoYoLAB Magazine, artists will have a better chance at getting credit and praise. Their best works could be featured officially, and the developers might also interview them.

You can find the complete list of Genshin Impact Characters , here

It is evident that HoYoverse has been focusing a lot on community-driven events lately. The introduction of the HoYoLAB Magazine seems to be the next big step in the right direction.


As of now, version 2.5 is live, and players are eagerly waiting for Ayato in patch 2.6. The five-star Hydro Sword user is one of the most popular characters ever, and it is no surprise that social media platforms are full of Ayato-themed fan art, cosplay, comics, and more.

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