Rell's upcoming Mid-Scope Update illustrated by League of Legends developer

League of Legend dev shares details regarding Rell
League of Legend dev shares details regarding Rell's Mid-Scope Update (Image via Riot Games)

Following the announcement from the League of Legends developers Riot Brightmoon and Riot Meddler that Rell, Neeko, and Ivern are set to be the three champions that the game developers are aiming towards for a Mid-Scope Update, Riot Yasua, and Riot Raptop further elaborated regarding Rell and updated the community by providing insight on how they are working on the update.

Despite Rell being a modern League of Legends champion, she struggled to have the impact of her fellow modern champions like Yone, Samira, Lillia, Seraphine, and others.

One major factor for this is that Rell's kit is very punishing, especially when a League of Legends player misses her W (Ferromancy: Crash Down). Although the game does have a plethora of champions that are difficult to play when a player misses a crucial ability, none of them feel quite as punishing as Rell does for now.

Full details regarding the upcoming League of Legends Mid-Scope Update for Rell


On the /dev blog, League of Legends developer Riot Raptor (Champions Team Designer) stated that although Rell was aimed at being a champion with an exciting playstyle that involved swapping between mounted and unmounted forms, they certainly missed the mark in catching the player base's attention as she struggled to be a popular pick unlike other modern champions.

One of the primary reasons behind this is that Rell, while a situationally strong champion, does feel quite punishing to play as missing her W (Ferromancy: Crash Down) can make the overall experience of playing as this champion quite frustrating.

In context to that, Riot Raptor provided an insight into what aspects of Rell's kit the game developers are looking to improve upon in order to make her more viable for players to pick.

As such, the League of Legends developers are looking to enhance her gameplay experience by improving the fantasy of playing Rell while mounted and dismounted, and to increase her play pattern variance. This evidently means making her feel swift and formidable while mounted, and providing her with more options during skirmishes and fights while dismounted.

Furthermore, Riot Raptor has acknowledged some quality-of-life (QoL) issues that several League of Legends players have raised, such as poor ward-clearing capability and reduced power on subsequent enemies when using her Q (Shattering Strike).

They plan to address these problems and make playing Rell feel smoother and far more enjoyable. These improvements will likely enhance the gameplay experience for those who enjoy playing Rell and potentially attract new players to the champion as well.

Riot Raptor further added that the developers are looking to improve Rell with an entirely new E ability, with inspiration being taken from her original designer. He stated that the dev team struggled to make her feel swift while ensuring that she didn't become too strong of a roaming support during the laning phase.

While tackling this, the developers tried different ways to make her dismounted form feel more effective, but realized that in improving the impact of her Q, dismounting attack speed and range, and softening self-slow, they helped make her distinct in each of her forms.

Riot Raptor ended the blog by stating that the League of Legends devs are still working on Rell’s finishing touches (such as VFX, SFX, and animations) as well as fixing bugs. He then teased her ability to potentially play as a solo laner as the team is exploring her viability in roles outside of support. However, that isn't one of their primary goals as they do intend on keeping her mainly in the support role.

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