5 counters to Annie support in League of Legends season 13

Annie is one of the strongest champion at the moment (Image via Riot Games)
Annie is one of the strongest champion at the moment (Image via Riot Games)

Annie has arguably been the strongest champion in the support role in League of Legends since patch 13.3. Not only has she been a threat to face in solo queues, but she has also begun to make her presence felt in professional play with her debut this season.

The major reason for this is that Annie's E (Molten Shield) and R receiving AP ratio buffs (Tibbers). Despite Riot Games' fast release of a hotfix for her following League of Legends patch 13.3, she has more than held her own in support, dethroning enchanters like Nami and Lulu.

With Annie having a strong showcase in League of Legends professional play, and even LCK teams such as T1 playing her, the player base has already caught up on this overpowered pick. Currently, she has a staggering 54.02% win rate with a 4.7% pick rate, coupled with a 12.7% ban rate in all ranks.


Considering Annie's dominance at the moment, there aren't many champions that can go toe-to-toe with her in the support role in League of Legends season 13.

With that in mind, this article will cover the five best counters to Annie support in League of Legends season 13

Disclaimer: This list is subjective and reflects the author's opinions.

Leona, Vel'koz, and other good counters to Annie support in League of Legends season 13

1) Xerath

Xerath can be one of the most frustrating support champions to lane against in botlane (Image via Riot Games)
Xerath can be one of the most frustrating support champions to lane against in botlane (Image via Riot Games)

Xerath is the first champion on this list to oppose Annie support in League of Legends season 13. He is a powerful mage, one of the most distinct champions, and a popular choice for players who prefer long-range spells and deadly AoE (Area-Of-Effect) damage.


Xerath's talents focus on his mastery of arcane energy, allowing him to launch tremendous magical strikes from afar. Mana Surge, his passive ability, enables him to increase his ability power with each basic attack he lands, making him a fearsome opponent in both the laning phase and team fights.

Xerath's Q (Arcanopulse) ability, which launches a bolt of lightning that delivers immense damage to foes in a straight path, is one of his characteristic abilities. He also possesses his W (Eye of Destruction), which slows and damages a single target, and his E (Shocking Orb), which causes the first opponent struck to be stunned for more than two seconds.


Playing Xerath demands accurate aim and intelligent placement, but in the hands of an adept player, his enormous range and burst damage can dominate team fights and control the map. Furthermore, he excels in dominating Annie support at various stages of her laning phase.

One of the main reasons is that Xerath utilizes his abilities from a distance, which puts him in a safe location from Annie's burst damage. This, combined with his CC (Crowd Control), makes him a strong counter-pick against her.

2) Vel'koz

Vel'koz is one of the best off-meta poke mage support champions (Image via Riot Games)
Vel'koz is one of the best off-meta poke mage support champions (Image via Riot Games)

Vel'Koz is well-known for his long-ranged poke abilities, devastating ultimate that provides huge true damage, and ability to shred opponent armor and magic resistance.


He is typically a midlane champion who can use his range and damage to control the battlefield and take down opposing champions, though he has steadily gained prominence as a support. The champion is a popular choice among League of Legends players who prefer playing mages and doing enormous damage.

Vel'Koz is a strong pick to counter Annie support owing to his ability to outrange and out-poke her in the lane.

Annie largely depends on her ultimate, R (Tibbers), to initiate and engage in team battles, but Vel'Koz's ultimate, R (Life Form Disintegration Ray), may easily interrupt her plans and do enormous damage to her and her squad. Moreover, his passive, Organic Deconstruction, may pierce Annie's low-base magic resistance, making him a potent force in the bot lane.

3) Anivia

Anivia is one of the best terrain-control champions in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Anivia is one of the best terrain-control champions in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Anivia is the third entry on this list. She is a bird-like creature with the capacity to control ice and snow. Her abilities vary from constructing ice walls to conjuring massive storms, allowing her to control the battlefield.


Anivia is a champion with a high skill ceiling that requires precise and smart play to master. She is a fan favorite among seasoned League of Legends players because of her distinct playstyle and deadly potential. Although she is typically a midlane champion, she, like Xerath and Vel'kos, has become an off-meta support pick.

Anivia is well-known for her impressive wave-clearing and crowd-management abilities. While facing Annie support, she has a few essential items that might assist her in resisting her aggressive playstyle.

To begin with, Anivia's passive ability allows her to revive once every cooldown. This may provide one a substantial edge in team battles as Annie's burst damage can be tempered by Anivia's resurrecting ability.


Anivia's wall ability may also obstruct her engagement efforts, while her stuns can disrupt Annie's channeled abilities, such as Tibbers or Disintegrate.

In League of Legends, Anivia's mix of crowd control and durability makes her a great counter against Annie support.

4) Leona

Leona is one of the tankiest melee support champions in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Leona is one of the tankiest melee support champions in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Leona is well-known for her exceptional defensive talents, making her the perfect pick for players who wish to keep their team safe.


Leona's arsenal includes stuns, slows, and shields, allowing her to command the map while keeping her allies safe. Her ultimate ability, R (Sun Flare), may stun many foes together, giving her an excellent pick for starting team fights. With her golden armor and radiant abilities, she symbolizes might and justice in League of Legends.

Leona is also an excellent choice for League of Legends players trying to counter Annie support. She can easily engage and lock her down with her crowd-control skills as an aggressive tank support.

Moreover, Leona's passive ability, Sunshine, increases the amount of damage delivered to enemy champions she immobilizes, making it simpler for her ADC to follow up and seal a kill. Leona's tankiness also helps her absorb Annie's burst damage, reducing the team's risk.


Overall, Leona's skill set makes her the perfect counterpart to Annie's support and a useful asset to any squad.

5) Nautilus

Nautilus is arguably the best melee tank support champion for now in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Nautilus is arguably the best melee tank support champion for now in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Nautilus is the fifth and final champion on this list. He is a colossal, armored beast with outstanding tanking capabilities, making him a must-have for any side looking to overwhelm opponents on the map.


Due to his ability to surge forward and stun many adversaries, Nautilus is a superb initiator. He also possesses remarkable crowd control and lockdown abilities, which may disrupt the enemy team's tactics and allow his teammates to win.

Widely recognized as one of League of Legends' tankiest support champions, he is well-known for his crowd-control skills and strong endurance. He is also regarded as a formidable counter to Annie, owing to his ability to mitigate her burst damage and hold her down in team battles.

Deep Charge, Nautilus' ultimate ability, can target and pursue Annie even if she tries to run away. Moreover, his passive ability, Staggering Blow, can stun Annie with each of his basic strikes, preventing her from efficiently casting her spells. With these advantages, Nautilus can successfully shut down Annie and derail her team's strategy.

It is highly advised that League of Legends players have a good amount of games under their belt before trying these picks on ranked. Especially for picks such as Xerath, Velkoz, and Anivia, as these three are considerably high-skill champions.

Additionally, it's best advised for players to duo with a pre-made when playing on botlane to ensure maximum synergy.

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