Top 5 Bel'Veth counters in League of Legends

League of Legends champions to counter Bel'Veth (Image via Riot Games)
League of Legends champions to counter Bel'Veth (Image via Riot Games)

As League of Legends' patch 12.11 rolls out on the servers, the game's newest champion, Bel'Veth, is finally ready to break the Summoner's Rift jungle.

She is a horrifically strong League of Legends jungler who brings in heavy loads of damage and mobility for the team during skirmishes. Bel'Veth is a late-game specialist with her add-on items, boosting the attack speed.

However, there are a lot of ways to counter the Empress of the Void. Her speed is the first and foremost point Bel'Veth's opponents should take care of. There is no cap on her attack speed, which gets boosted after she uses an ability. Bel'Veth's W reduces her Q's cooldown, and her Ult provides her with increased movement and total attack speed. Hence, it's all about taking her down early enough in the game.

A few well-strategized picks can smoothly counter the Empress in lane fights before she ramps up in the late game. Here is a list of the top 5 Bel’Veth counter champions in League of Legends.

Bel'Veth counters that you need to pick in League of Legends

5) Rammus

Rammus the warbeast (Image via Riot Games)
Rammus the warbeast (Image via Riot Games)

The Armordillo is one of the tankiest League of Legends champions possessing immense crowd control. This happens to be a real threat for a champion like Bel'Veth as she scales up with the help of attack speed.


Rammus' Defensive Ball Curl is a deadly ability to counter auto-attacking champions like Bel'Veth. He can also increase his self damage by building Thornmail into his kit, thus defending the Empress's auto-attacks smoothly. Using his R, Rammus can also eat up all of Bel'Veth's damage before his allies take her down.

4) Volibear

Volibear the spirit god (Image via Riot Games)
Volibear the spirit god (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends' Relentless Storm is one of Bel'Veth's best in-game counters. Volibear is brilliant with his sustaining and effective damage executing abilities.

Although he might face danger from Bel'Veth's true damage stacking ability in the late game, Volibear can perfectly use his Thundering Storm to stun the Void Empress and slow her down with his Sky Splitter and Stormbringer.

3) Kindred

Kindred is a ranged jungler (Image via Riot Games)
Kindred is a ranged jungler (Image via Riot Games)

Kindred's Ult, Lamb's Respite, happens to be one of the most effective abilities against Bel'Veth in League of Legends. It is also one of the very few attacks that can deal with a stacked up Empress pretty effectively during late-game skirmishes.

Bel'Veth is a fast killer with tremendous pace and dashing ability. She quickly reaches her targets, immobilizes them, and puts them to death while ramping up her true damage. As the Eternal Hunters' R makes its allies invulnerable to damage, it gives them a decent opportunity to deal Bel'Veth before she can do her worst.

2) Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao is a resolute warrior (Image via Riot Games)
Xin Zhao is a resolute warrior (Image via Riot Games)

Bel'Veth can have a pretty hard time against powerful early-game junglers like Xin Zhao since the former isn't very strong in the game's initial phases. The Void Empress becomes a monster once she scales up her powers in the late game, thus, Demacia's Seneschal can efficiently overpower Bel'Veth with a couple of quick invades.

However, executing the same requires a rigid squad that can snowball a lead effectively, but the first step is always a good counterpick champion selection like Xin Zhao.

1) Taliyah

Taliyah the nomadic mage (Image via Riot Games)
Taliyah the nomadic mage (Image via Riot Games)

Taliyah happens to be one of the best counters for Bel'Veth in League of Legends patch 12.11. Bel'Veth's ganks and teamfights are mostly dependent on her repositioning dashes, hence, Taliyah's Unraveled Earth can easily cut off either of the Empress's attacks.


If Bel’Veth gets caught by Stoneweaver in the early game, she has nothing to do but get stunned by using a dash.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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