Rainbow Six Siege is finally bringing TDM and Shooting Range in Year 7, what does it mean for new players? 

Can TDM and Shooting Range lower the steep learning curve for new players? (Image by Ubisoft)
Can TDM and Shooting Range lower the steep learning curve for new players? (Image by Ubisoft)

After 7 long years of somewhat divisive evolution, Rainbow Six Siege is finally getting Team Deathmatch and Shooting Range.

Ubisoft’s flagship competitive tactical first-person shooter, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, was originally pitched as a co-operative PvE experience. While the tactical aspect and the multilayered map design were certainly praiseworthy, the experience felt somewhat lacking.

After the lukewarm reception, the title was redesigned to focus more on the PvP aspect, which became a hit. However, the lack of new maps and uninspired operators drove the community away.


With Year 7, Ubisoft is hoping to redeem the title and bring back the glory days.

How will TDM and Shooting Range help new players in Rainbow Six Siege Year 7?

TDM or Team Deathmatch is a staple of any competitive first-person shooter, be it Valorant, CS: GO, or Call of Duty. However, Rainbow Six Siege only had one proper mode, Bomb Defuse, for players to jump in for the last seven years.

Granted, there are distinct separations between Ranked and Unranked modes, but it creates a high barrier and a steep learning curve for new players. Often times, a new player will be confused in his first match, and won’t know where to go or where to take cover. This is further enhanced by the lack of a minimap and Siege’s complicated multi-floor map design.

Wirth Team Deathmatch, new players will get an opportunity to engage opponents at every corner. This will not only improve their map knowledge but will help them understand where to engage an opponent from and where to take cover or rotate from.

As for the shooting range, that will certainly become quintessential to understanding a weapon’s damage and spray pattern. A good understanding of the weapon will push the skill level of the player even higher, as he’ll know exactly how many shots a 2-armor 2-speed operator will need to be taken out.

All in all, Year 7 seems like a step in the right direction, with new maps and a more player-friendly approach. Could Year 7 be the return of Rainbow Six Siege? The playerbase certainly seems cautiously optimistic.

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