Riot provides details for enchanter support item adjustments coming in League of Legends patch 11.8

Enchanter support items to get massive changes in League of Legends patch 11.8 (Image via Riot Games)
Enchanter support items to get massive changes in League of Legends patch 11.8 (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends patch 11.8 is gearing up to be a rather big one, as Riot plans on bringing in a significant amount of changes to some of the champions and items in the game.

The jungle role will be affected the most this time around. And the League of Legends devs will be looking to increase the champion pool for the role by providing a great amount of quality of life updates for Morgana, Darius, and Zed in the jungle.

Additionally, Rammus will be getting a significant amount of changes as League of Legends’ resident Armordillo is gearing up for a small rework. Riot will be providing him with a bit more playmaking potential and agency during both the early game and late game team fights.

For the items, League of Legends patch 11.8 will be looking to tone down some of the more overpowered enchanter support builds.

Items like the Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing Water, and Chemtech Putrifier have been incredibly overpowered when used on champions like Seraphine, Lulu, and Karma. This gave rise to the Karma/Lulu top lane meta in both pro play and standard matchmaking,


Hence, the League of Legends devs will be adjusting these items in patch 11.8 to make them more viable for the support role than in the solo lanes.

League of Legends patch 11.8 item update preview

#1 - Item nerfs

Titanic Hydra

  • AD from Colossus 1% Total HP >>> 2% Bonus HP

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

  • Total Cost :: 900 >>> 950

#2 - Item Buffs

Frozen Heart

  • Armor 70 >>> 80

#3 - Item Adjustments

Moonstone Renewer

  • Starlit Grace Heal :: 50-100 (based on ally level) >>> 60
  • Starlit Grace Passive:: Each second in combat increases the base heal by 12.5%, up to 50% >>> Each second in combat increases Heal and Shield power by 4%, up to 20%.
  • Mythic Passive:: 5 Ability Haste >>> Increase Starlit Grace's heal by 10

Shurelia's Battlesong

  • [REMOVED] Inspire:: No longer empowers the next 3 damaging instances to deal an additional 35-55 magic damage.
  • [NEW] Passive-Motivate:: Empowering or Protecting allies (excluding yourself) grants both allies 25% Move Speed over 1.5s
  • Mythic Passive :: 3% Move Speed >>> 5 Ability Haste

Staff of Flowing Water

  • Rapids:: Grants 15% Move Speed and 20-40 Ability Power for 3 seconds >>> Grants 20 Ability Haste and 20-40 Ability Power for 4 seconds

Hextech Rocketbelt

  • HP: 350 >>> 250; Flat Magic Penetration: 0 >>> 6

Chemtech Putrifier

  • Ability Power:: 50 >>> 55; [UPDATE]:: Heals or shields any ally will enhance them with empowered Grievous Wounds on next attack >>> Heals and shields on an ally (excluding self) will enhance both the ally and yourself [CLARIFY]:: Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing water tooltips have minor modifications to reflect the requirement of another ally. Their functionality is entirely unchanged.