Genshin Impact 3.8 leaks: Everything known about new Inazuman character

No official photo for this character exists at the moment
No official photo for this character exists at the moment (Image via HoYoverse)

Travelers have received a few new Genshin Impact 3.8 leaks regarding the latest 4-star Inazuman character since her unofficial reveal. It is worth noting that there is no gameplay footage or official renders for this character. Everything revealed about her comes from leaks, which are subject to change. Keep in mind that leaks won't always be 100% accurate for what players get in the final product.

For example, Yun Jin was once leaked to be an Anemo character, and Albedo was supposedly a Bow user, but neither ended up being true.

Let's see what the current Genshin Impact 3.8 leaks reveal about this 4-star unnamed Inazuman character.

Genshin Impact 3.8 leaks reveal more about the upcoming Inazuman character

The Genshin Impact 3.8 leak originally from Xwides is shown here, featuring a fan-made artwork that supposedly resembles the new Inazuman character. Here is what is known about her thus far:

  • 4-star Electro unit
  • Apparently a good support for Dendro units
  • Comes from Inazuma

The second sketch shown here would be the most detailed design for this new unnamed character. It resembles the fan-made chibi shown below.

This old leak is where the primary details about her rarity, nationality, and connection to Dendro teams originate. The image on the left is a cropped part of concept art, which is always subject to change.

More details about the Inazuman character

Her supposed color scheme (Image via ukrisreng)
Her supposed color scheme (Image via ukrisreng)

The above leak comes from and details the new Inazuman character's color palette. It is somewhat similar to past sketches, yet there is a noticeable lack of blue. Travelers should know that content revealed in Genshin Impact 3.8 leaks is always subject to change.

It is possible that this new 4-star doesn't have blue in her color scheme anymore. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to verify these details due to the lack of any credible screenshots for the new character.

Note: hxg made a correction later on that the pattern should be viola tricolor, not paeonia suffruticosa.

The tweet above describes what the Inazuman woman's outfit looks like based on the current Genshin Impact 3.8 leaks. Some of these details do resemble fan-made sketches for the new character, although this information is fairly generic on its own.

There is more fan art for this character floating around the internet, but none of it can be deemed 100% accurate or credible.

Other Genshin Impact 3.8 news

There are no screenshots or official art to show of this update (Image via HoYoverse)
There are no screenshots or official art to show of this update (Image via HoYoverse)

This article was written when Version 3.5 was still active, and players were waiting for news on the 3.6 livestream. The 3.7 beta tests didn't start yet, meaning there is little information on Version 3.8 at present.

Current expectations are that Genshin Impact 3.8 should launch around July 5, 2023, since most Version Updates tend to last for 42 days. One can calculate when each patch begins with this knowledge.

Travelers should get more news about this upcoming Inazuman woman and her gameplay around June 2023. No specific date has been revealed for the 3.8 beta test.

It is worth mentioning that Eula has been leaked to have a rerun in this update. Whether she will have the same banner as the new 4-star Electro unit is unknown.

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