Genshin Impact leaks reveal potential Scaramouche kit including Elemental skill and burst details

Scaramouche may have had some abilities revealed (Image via Genshin Impact)
Scaramouche may have had some abilities revealed (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact leaks may have revealed an early look at Scaramouche's unique abilities. Players will be familiar with Scaramouche as a villainous member of the Fatui, an organization seeking to stir chaos in the world.

This group has successfully faced off against the Traveler multiple times, and Scaramouche looks to be one of the most dangerous members. It seems like according to these leaks, he will become a playable unit in the future with some very interesting skills. Fans of the character will definitely want to take a look at these early leaks.

Genshin Impact leaks: Scaramouche skills, burst, and more

This leak comes from a questionable source, but has yet to be debunked by any other leakers, which lends it some credence. Genshin Impact leaks have been known to reveal things far in advance, and while players should take this with a grain of salt, it does reveal some very interesting skills and abilities. Fans of Scaramouche may be surprised by the attacks that he is utilizing in these leaks, but the game's villains have been known to switch things up when they become playable.

Scaramouche's Elemental Skill

According to these leaks, Scaramouche's Elemental Skill will allow him to fire a beam of energy, similar to a laser blast. This would likely be Electro, and it may be a powerful source of damage. It's said to be a straight line of AOE damage, similar to Klee's E, but faster. This could be a great way to clear out enemies in front of Scaramouche, and may lead to him being a powerful choice in the Spiral Abyss.

Scaramouche's Elemental Burst

These leaks state that Scaramouche will utilize a stance change system with his Elemental Burst, similar to Raiden Shogun and Childe. This would line up with his role in the Fatui and his ties to the Shogun, and players who enjoy this mechanic should definitely keep an eye out.

These Elemental Bursts usually allow the character to deal tons of damage for a short time, and Scaramouche may end up being another powerful Main DPS contender in Genshin Impact.

Scaramouche's appearance

Many have speculated that Scaramouche's model may utilize an alternate version of his outfit due to his large hat, but these leaks seem to state otherwise. According to this leak, Scaramouche's veils on the back of his hat flow very well in his animations, which may mean he will be maintaining his full garb when he becomes playable in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact leaks are definitely pointing to an interesting version of Scaramouche, and fans will definitely want to stay tuned for future information.

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