Genshin Impact leaks suggest Cyno might be Hydro (not Pyro) polearm user

Cyno may have a surprising element (Image via Hoyoverse)
Cyno may have a surprising element (Image via Hoyoverse)

Genshin Impact players have long awaited the release of Cyno, a character teased in the game's official webcomic along with the roadmap trailer. He is a very unique-looking character who hails from the region of Sumeru, and while not much was known about him, he has gained quite a following in the community.

He primarily wielded magic in his previous appearances, so users only really had his image during the trailer to go off of when speculating. However, thanks to new leaks, Cyno's alleged element and weapon have finally been revealed, and many may be surprised.

Genshin Impact: Cyno's weapon and element revealed

Cyno is one of Genshin Impact's most popular unreleased characters, and many gamers speculated that he would be a powerful Pyro polearm user. While it appears that he will be wielding a spear in-game, his element may throw many fans off.

According to current leaks, Cyno is a Hydro polearm user, giving him the ability to command the power of water.

Many gamers are very surprised at this reveal due to two main reasons. Firstly, Cyno's original reveal during the teaser trailer showed off a small red gem in the center of his outfit. Many fans believed that this was his Vision and that he would be a Pyro character due to the reddish color.

Secondly, Cyno is an introductory character to Sumeru, the land of Dendro, giving him good reason to be a Dendro character.

Still, this leak is in its early stages, and Cyno will go through a lot more development before he is released. Sumeru is still a few months off after all, as players won't be headed there until the game's 3.0 update.

However, with Cyno information beginning to crop up in the files, it won't be much longer before fans get a real confirmation on his element and more.

Users should be sure to take all of these leaks with a hefty pinch of salt, as currently, they are still in the earliest stage of rumors. Without actual gameplay data, it's hard to say anything concrete about Sumeru or Cyno, and they shouldn't be too discouraged by this new information.

Still, given Cyno's relevance to the Genshin Impact story, he will likely be a strong character regardless of his element.