Genshin Impact Nahida leaks: Ascension materials, gameplay, and release date

How she appears in one official artwork
How she appears in one official artwork (Image via HoYoverse)

Nahida is a character that many players wish to learn more about, especially when it comes to her playable status in Genshin Impact. Fortunately for them, several new 3.2 leaks have surfaced. These leaks offer a lot of new information that this article talks about, which includes:

  • All known Ascension and Talent Level-Up Materials, plus how players can prepare for them
  • Gameplay footage and notes
  • Rumored release date

Many Travelers have high hopes for Nahida since she is the Dendro Archon rumored to arrive in November. All other playable Archons were considered top-tier upon their releases. However, this article won't focus on theory-crafting. Instead, it will focus solely on what's been leaked.

Note: Some content shown in Genshin Impact leaks is subject to change.

Nahida leaks for Genshin Impact 3.2: What to know

Nahida Ascension Materials

Genshin Impact 3.2 will introduce a new boss known as the Dendro Hypostasis. It will drop an item supposedly called Queller Creeper. This name is subject to change, but the important part is that Travelers will need 46 of them to max out Nahida's level. The boss will also drop the Nagadus Emerald materials that are required for the same purpose.

Maxing her level out will involve more materials, including 168 Kalpalata Lotuses. This interactive map should help players pre-farm the Lotuses before her release date. She also needs Fungal Spores, Luminescent Pollen, and Crystalline Cyst Dust — all of which are obtainable from Sumeru's many Fungi enemies — to reach her maximum level.

As a reminder, here is a list of all of her Ascension Materials:

  • One Nagadus Emerald Sliver
  • Nine Nagadus Emerald Fragments
  • Nine Nagadus Emerald Chunks
  • Six Nagadus Emerald Gemstones
  • 168 Kalpalata Lotuses
  • 46 Queller Creepers (the Dendro Hypostasis drop)
  • 18 Fungal Spores
  • 30 Luminscent Pollen
  • 36 Crystalline Cyst Dust
  • 420,000 Mora

As for her Talent Level-Up Materials, she requires an unknown weekly boss drop. One can presume that it's tied to the Scaramouche weekly boss, but there isn't anything reliable information at the moment.

Otherwise, the Ingenuity Books are going to be a core part of her Talent Level-Ups. Genshin Impact players can farm them from the Steeple of Ignorance every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.

Finally, Nahida also requires the aforementioned Fungal Spore drops from Fungi foes. Here is a complete list of what she needs to max out all three Talents:

  • 18 of the unknown item from a weekly boss
  • Nine Teachings of Ingenuity
  • 63 Guides to Ingenuity
  • 114 Philosophies of Ingenuity
  • 18 Fungal Spores
  • 66 Luminscent Pollen
  • 93 Crystalline Cyst Dust
  • Three Crowns of Insight
  • 4,957,500 Mora

Nahida gameplay

Several gameplay leaks have recently surfaced on the internet. The above video demonstrates how her Elemental Skill works — more specifically, how players can mark enemies in the hold variation.

Here is a link to a Streamable video of her complete kit:

Readers are highly encouraged to check out the video since tweets and YouTube videos tend to be taken down swiftly.

Nahida release date

Uncle Lu has a historically good track record regarding leaks, but it's not perfect (particularly as of late). Thus, readers should know that the expected release date is still merely a rumor right now.

Nahida is rumored to be released in Genshin Impact 3.2's first banner, which will take place on November 2, 2022. At the very least, she's confirmed to be playable in this update, meaning that Travelers won't have to wait long until they can finally get their hands on her.

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