"Sexually assaulted people I care about": Pokimane opens up about Fedmyster's return to streaming

Pokimane opens up about Fedmyster's return to streaming (Image via Offline Network/YouTube)
Pokimane opens up about Fedmyster's return to streaming (Image via Offline Network/YouTube)

After being called out by Imane 'Pokimane' Anys and Yvonne for inappropriate behavior, Federico Michael Gaytan, aka Fedmyster, disappeared from social media. He decided to take a break and focus on himself.

Before going on a hiatus, he left a note stating that it was never his intention to "hurt those closest to him," and his actions were never "malicious or predatory" in nature.

After a year of being inactive and taking a hiatus from streaming, on June 23rd, 2021, Fedmyster tweeted that he would be returning to Twitch. His first video since returning showcased a lot about the changes he made in his life.

Nonetheless, several fans called him out in his second video. Some asked whether he apologized to everyone for his actions.

Fans question Fedmyster (Image via Fedmyster/Twitch)
Fans question Fedmyster (Image via Fedmyster/Twitch)

Fedmyster acknowledged the question and stated that while he had apologized to everyone, but claimed that he had no contact with Pokimane or anyone else in the past year. He decided to keep to himself. Despite the hiatus and reconciliation, netizens are still under the impression that nothing has changed with him.

Also Read: Fedmyster set to return to Twitch one year after sexual harassment allegations by Pokimane and Yvonne

Pokimane doesn't hold back while talking about Fedmyster

Although things have been quiet and the dust has settled, many fans reached out to Pokimane to ask for her opinion on the situation. Needless to say, Pokimane didn't hold back. She starts by saying:

"I guess I'll just say this now because I know a lot of people are going to ask me about a certain someone, so I just want to say my piece quickly and kind of get out of the way."

She added that,

"It's not my place to say whether or not a person has changed because their actions and words will eventually speak for themselves. All I know is that I can't be friends with someone who sexually assaulted people I care about and handled it the way that he did."

Given the history and the way things were handled, this is a clear indication that Pokimane has severed all ties with him, which is further backed up by Fedmyster's own statements made during his live stream. As of now, things seem to be quiet, and hopefully, they stay that way for a long time to come.

Pokimane finally said,

"I won't be affiliated with him or his circle. We're going to move on with our lives, he's going to move on with his life, and that's life, and that's really all I've got to say."

Watch the clip here:


Also Read: FedMyster's return is making people want to 'cancel him' even more

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