The best Warlock healing build in Destiny 2 Season 17

Keep everyone alive (Image via Bungie)
Keep everyone alive (Image via Bungie)

Destiny 2 is a game all about ensuring that every Guardian enters every situation with the best possible kit. Subsequently, almost five years of development have ensured that the meta is constantly changing and players need to keep an eye on the best options.

The Warlock is the most varied class in the game. Players can conceivably mix and match their favorite pieces to create a variety of outcomes within the class. Healing allies is tough to do, but with the right build, a player can ensure that fellow Guardians survive whatever the game throws at them.

Building the best Warlock Healer in Destiny 2

Building a healing Warlock in Destiny 2 often still revolves around scoring kills, but there are ways around it. The best healing build centers on the new Solar 3.0 updates for the Dawnblade subclass.

Take the Healing Rift ability for the most basic healing ability, just to keep nearby players alive. This is obvious and is generally a better option than the Empowering Rift.

Dawnblades can improve the power of the crucial Healing Grenades. These grenades heal allies on impact and spawn a glowing orb that can be picked up.

With the Touch of Flame aspect, players can improve the effectiveness of the Healing Grenades. This will make the blast of healing daylight one of the most powerful healing options available.

The Healing Rift and improved Healing Grenades are the most important aspects of the build, so most other abilities seek to improve them. The Ember of Singeing causes the Class Ability to charge faster whenever the player scorches targets. Combined with the Incinerator Snap melee technique, this will keep the Healing Rift usable most of the time.

The Ember of Solace Fragment improves the power of Restoration Effects applied to players and allies. The Ember of Torches grants Radiance to allies with every Powered melee attack against combatants.

Finally, the Ember of Benevolence briefly decreases grenade, melee, and class ability cooldown when healing, restoring, or applying radiant to allies. In other words, the class ability and grenade heal and apply restoration, which decreases their cooldown.

With this cyclical relationship, every use of a healing ability speeds up the process of being able to use it again. This build keeps allies in healing and restoration, while constantly allowing the Warlock to throw out more heals.

Playing the Healer Warlock in Destiny 2


Using this build requires decent aim and quick reflexes to stay around allies. Destiny 2 players can make every ability benefit each other to ensure a perfect build.

The best possible Warlock players using this build should be sticking near their team and throwing out grenades as often as possible. Weapon selection isn't crucial, but buffing allies with weapons like the Lumina Hand Cannon is a good choice.

This Warlock build keeps allies alive and well while also ensuring they're putting out maximum damage. Destiny 2 seems to favor the power of the solar builds when healing allies.

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