The best ways to level up in Street Fighter 6 World Tour Mode

The goal is to get better and stronger, and here
The goal is to get better and stronger, and here's how to achieve it fast (Image via Cpacom)

Street Fighter 6 is more than just your average fighting game, especially when it comes to the single-player mode. Called "World Tour," this laid-back, RPG-esque campaign is a novel approach for its genre. Players create a custom avatar and embark on a journey to become the best fighter Metro City has ever seen. This adventure entails fighting various NPCs, from random passersby on the street to powerful bosses. All this effort requires grinding on the player's behalf.

Understandably, there are ways to streamline the gameplay experience. Here's how to get it done.

How to gain experience and level up fast in Street Fighter 6

Get stronger to become the best fighter in Street Fighter 6's single-player mode (Images via YouTube: DPJ)
Get stronger to become the best fighter in Street Fighter 6's single-player mode (Images via YouTube: DPJ)

As players progress through the story, they will be able to explore more of Metro City. This vibrant urbanscape is brimming with fighters around every corner. As such, the power level of these willing participants can also vary between areas. In short, the best way to level up fast is to battle higher-level foes.

This all depends on the player's level at that point. One great location is the pier area in Metro City. The NPCs here should be around levels 17-20.

As such, the best time to grind is around early levels, such as 7-12. Defeating foes throughout this section of the main campaign should grant large EXP and money gains, given the gap between the two. Once the area has run out of NPCs to fight, simply get away from the pier and return to have them respawn. These should still be at the same level as they were before, and players can continue fighting.

So until players reach their desired level of growth or become frustrated, they should grind to their heart's content. After all, higher levels allow for taking on more powerful foes with ease. Conversely, the money earned in-game (also called Zenny) can be spent on new apparel. These don't just boost the player's stats, but also allow them to customize their avatar further as desired.

If players struggle against NPCs, investing in new gear may be ideal. Of course, learning basic combat fundamentals like blocking also helps. After all, many opponents will not be shy about chucking projectiles from a distance in 1v1 skirmishes. When low on health, purchase consumables, like food from vendors, to replenish HP. This is key to surviving the grind in the long run.

Additionally, supplements can also help boost stats. So players can dish out more damage or resist incoming attacks. It should also be noted that in addition to character levels, Styles will level up too. These special loadouts allow players to perform specific attack combos, including those inspired by iconic Street Fighter 6 characters. This should help immensely in fighting stronger foes. Whatever path players choose, it's their own to walk down on the journey to victory.

Street Fighter 6 is out right now for PC, PS4, PS5, and XSX|S.

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