Top 3 features that need to return in Pokemon

Image via Empoleonic Code
Image via Empoleonic Code

Pokemon games are some of the most memorable video games of all time.

Some of the features from the original titles have been lost over time. Games seem to get easier over time, but some features could help make the game more fun.

Even if a game is easy, it should still be fun.

Note: This list is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.

Top 3 features that need to return in Pokemon

#3 - Battle Frontier

Image via Bulbapedia
Image via Bulbapedia

One of the best post-games in the Pokemon main series is the Battle Frontier. In newer games, the post-game is a small campaign or a battle spot, like the Battle Tree. In Generation III, the Battle Frontier was a breath of fresh air.

The Battle Frontier is an amusement park for the champion and other strong trainers. It's filled with challenges like the Battle Pike, which forces the player into random scenarios.

Then there's the rental battle that allows the player to rent a team and face strong trainers. It's just a fun area that can be quite difficult.

#2 - Challenge mode

Image via Bulbapedia
Image via Bulbapedia

One of the best features in Pokemon games is the challenge mode. After completing the game, the player can play through the game in a more challenging environment filled with higher-level Pokemon and tougher AI. They even add more rewards with more money from defeating trainers.

This was essentially a New Game +. It was an amazing experience and something that should have been in every Pokemon game. It would be great if they added other modes like a Nuzlocke mode.

#1 - Post game regions

Image via Amino
Image via Amino

This is another feature that was only implemented into one game. The post-game region is the best post-game in any Pokemon game. Generation II games felt like two games because of this post-game.

The player could challenge all of the Gym leaders and even the strongest trainer, Red. Exploring a secondary region, completing its Pokedex, and fighting all the gyms is just perfect.

More legendaries, battles, and Pokemon made this an experience every fan should try. Generation II games have gone down in history as a favorites, and it's mostly due to this feature.

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