Top 3 sniper rifles in COD Mobile as of 2020

Image via Activision
Image via Activision

Sniper rifles are always a top-tier weapon category in any Call of Duty title. Their high power and deadly accuracy are enough to draw in just about every player. With COD Mobile, the story is no different, as snipers often dominate casual lobbies.

There aren't a ton of sniper rifles within COD Mobile, though. So when you do choose one, it's most likely going to make or break that specific match for you. Although, instead of blindly choosing one, why not take a look at our picks for the top three sniper rifles in COD Mobile.

Top 3 snipers in COD Mobile

#3 - DL Q33

Image via Activision
Image via Activision

At one point, the DL Q33 was the best sniper rifle in COD Mobile. However, as the seasons have gone on, more snipers have been introduced that are just a tad better than the DL. Of course, this doesn't make the bolt-action sniper a horrible choice. On the contrary, the DL Q33 is still considered one of the best in class thanks to its high damage and solid accuracy.

The bolt-action nature of the DL Q33 means that you're not going to be able to get as many shots off as you would with a semi-automatic. Still, if you can hit your shts to the upper body, you'll have no problems using this weapon in COD Mobile.

#2 - Locus

Image via Activision
Image via Activision

Next up is the Locus sniper, which was introduced during Season 2 of COD Mobile. It falls short of the number one spot due to its relatively slow aim-down-sights time. However, its damage is much better than the DL Q33, which is why it's number two on the list and not number three. Using attachments on the Locus can improve its weaknesses but it's not enough to make number one on the list.

#1 - Kilo Bolt-Action

Image via Activision
Image via Activision

So technically, the Kilo Bolt-Action is a Marskman Rifle and not a sniper. However, we still lump it in with the snipers due to the many similarities the categories share. That said, the Kilo could be the best weapon in all of COD Mobile and not just the sniper/marksman rifle class. It boasts high damage, great fire rate, and tremendous accuracy. It can also use Ironsights, which only improves it's overall capabilities.