Top 5 League of Legends Wizards in 2021

Top 5 League of Legends Wizards in 2021, Image via League of Legends
Top 5 League of Legends Wizards in 2021, Image via League of Legends

League of Legends is an ever-changing game that is driven by the meta and strength of a champion.

Riot Games keep changing the meta by buffing or nerfing champions in order to keep it fresh and unique. This means changes in almost every role within the game that includes assassins, mages, fighters, tanks, marksmen and support in League of Legends.

A Mage, or specifically a Wizard, is probably one of the most versatile roles within the game. This is due to their innate ability when it comes to dealing burst damage. Apart from that, they also offer quite a lot of crowd control and therefore play an integral role within a team fight.

Wizards are key against marksmen due to their high burst potential, but weak against Assassins. However, their versatility earns them a spot within almost any given team composition. Therefore, it warrants a top 5 list of wizards that are currently setting the stage on fire within League of Legends.

Best Wizard of choice for solo play in League of Legends

5) Veiger

Veigar is great, and yet his inconsistent third skill pulls him down the list, Image via League of Legends
Veigar is great, and yet his inconsistent third skill pulls him down the list, Image via League of Legends

Veiger has always been a very powerful wizard due to his kit within League of Legends. Veiger passive “phenomenal evil power” keeps giving him stacks for every time he strikes an enemy champion or scores a takedown. This keeps increasing his ability power and thereby making him very difficult to deal with in the very late game.

However, the reason he is so below the in list is due to his scaling time. Veiger needs time to farm and protect himself from various ganks. His only saving grace is the third skill called "Event Horizon". It is, however, very inconsistent as it drops a well which only stuns those who hit the wall. This makes outplaying him very easy and therefore an easy target for any fighter or assassin.

4) Syndra

Syndra's orb management is crucial for optimal usage, Image via League of Legends
Syndra's orb management is crucial for optimal usage, Image via League of Legends

One of the best mid-laners in the game, Syndra has massive potential to make or break a game. Syndra’s core gameplay revolves around her orbs where she can throw an orb for damage or stun. Syndra is one of the best champions in the hands of Damwon Gaming’s Showmaker and for obvious reasons.

Syndra continues to gain power as she levels up with her spells gaining certain special effects at max level.

The key benefits that she gains from the max level of each skill are:

Dark Sphere: Bonus damage against champions.
Force of Will: Bonus true damage.
Scatter the Weak: Increased width.
Unleashed Power: Increased range”

However, Syndra is quite a difficult wizard to manage for a beginner. Her orb management requires several games to master, and even then there is a possibility to mess up due to her heavy reliance on picture perfect combos.

3) LeBlanc

LeBlanc has the ability to outplay any champion in League of Legends, Image via League of Legends
LeBlanc has the ability to outplay any champion in League of Legends, Image via League of Legends

LeBlanc has seen a lot of success in the past few patches, especially in patch 11.13 and 11.14 in League of Legends. This is due to a minor buff received by the item called Luden’s Tempest. The combined cost of the item was switched from 1250 to 1050. This meant that it helped the champions that used this item to scale faster.

LeBlanc is a champion who does not receive a power spike until she finishes her mythic item. Apart from that, she farms very slowly due to her poor base attack which makes her quite a weak laner. She is quite vulnerable in the lane due to her squishy nature and therefore, this item changed helped her massively. She managed to finish Luden Tempest early, thereby giving her the chance to make plays in less time.

However, it is not just this change which makes her good. LeBlanc has the potential to deal massive burst damage and a skilled player can practically one shot an enemy as long as they are able to land her full combo. She has brilliant outplay potential due to her passive “Mirror Image”. Whenever her health goes below 40%, she automatically becomes invisible and summons a clone that lasts for 8 seconds.

She can outmaneuver almost every champion in League of Legends, however, has a skill ceiling which is very difficult for newer players to touch.

2) Viktor

Viktor tests the players' ability to position and deal damage, Image via League of Legends
Viktor tests the players' ability to position and deal damage, Image via League of Legends

One of the best late game wizards in League of Legends, Viktor defines the word player perfection. In hindsight Viktor is a very squishy champion with a very simple and yet hard to master kit. Apart from that, he has no mobility options with flash being the only one at his disposal.

However, if positioning and farming skills are the strong points that define a player then Viktor is the go-to champion for them. He hits like a truck late in the game and can wipe out anyone and everyone. Viktor basically augments his basic abilities whenever he earns “100 Hex fragments". These can be earned by getting champion kills.

This means that he can increase the damage of his abilities depending on how he performs within the game. He gains 1 “Hex Fragment” for minion kills, 5 for large monsters and 25 for champion kills. The idea is very similar to Syndra's, but he does not need to have full levels to gain the upgrades.

However, as it says, kills are mandatory and therefore it is important that the match goes well for him from the very first minute to ensure maximum efficiency. Therefore, a team composition that plays around Viktor and helps him to secure the objectives is vital for success.

He is very similar to Veigar when it comes to mobility. However, he has a bigger range and can do more poke damage and therefore better sustainability against the enemy midlaner.

1) Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate can change the course of a battle with his ability to flank, Image via League of Legends
Twisted Fate can change the course of a battle with his ability to flank, Image via League of Legends

The last and probably the best wizard on the list is going to be none other than the master card shaper from Bilgewater, Twisted Fate. This champion only costs 1350 Blue Essence and therefore can be obtained by almost everyone. However, if there is anything to learn from League of Legends, then the champion price does not define its difficulty.

Twisted Fate is all about cards where he has three at his disposal, namely Blue, Red and Yellow. He can pick any card from his deck by using his “W” and each has different abilities. The blue card restores mana, the red card deals magic damage and the yellow card stuns the target.

His passive allows him to get bonus gold on a random effect as soon as he kills a target. His ultimate allows him to not only reveal every enemy on the map, but also teleport to any location and set up a flank. This makes him one of the best champions to roam around the map to help the team and set up the tempo of the game in League of Legends.

Twisted Fate, like every other wizard, is hard to master in League of Legends. However, he probably requires the least time out of Syndra, LeBlanc and Viktor. At the same time he provides more utility than Veigar, and thereby earning him the number one spot on the list.

Disclaimer: Based on Personal Opinion

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