Top 5 methods to rank up quickly in COD Mobile Season 2

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Image via YouTube

Ranking up in COD Mobile is always a thing of concern for most players. Sometimes it is quite challenging to find a way to maintain progression in rank.

Since it is a battle royale game, COD Mobile centers on surviving on the battleground till the end. A player has to eliminate others to claim victory.

Players receive some XP according to their overall performance. But to rank up faster, players need to secure the top positions in the game with a decent number of kills. The title offers various items as a reward for ranking up.

This article discusses some important tips to rank up faster in COD Mobile Season 2.

5 methods to rank up faster in COD Mobile Season 2:

#1 Gathering a squad

Playing with a squad is beneficial to ranking up faster. It provides the opportunity to communicate with teammates easily in the game. Doing so can help players work towards an objective.

In solo-queuing, it can be tough to communicate with random teammates. Players can add more friends after the end of the match.

Image Via Activision
Image Via Activision

#2 Knowing the gameplay

A player needs to know their playing style as well as that of their teammates. There might be situations in a match when one needs to adjust their approach. If a player knows their comfort zone clearly, it will be advantageous for everyone involved.


#3 Choosing a good loadout

Before entering a match, players must set perks, weapon choice, scorestreaks, and operator skills in loadout. This will allow one to survive longer throughout the game.

Loadout choices in COD Mobile
Loadout choices in COD Mobile

However, COD Mobile has a unique range of weapons. In matches, players usually prefer guns with high damage and high fire-rate like MSMC, AK 47, AK117, etc.

If a player prefers to snipe, opt for snipers like DL Q33 and SPR 208.

#4 Getting high kills

Getting higher kills in a game helps a player to rank up quickly. To get more kills in-game, players must focus on their crosshairs on the opponent's head.

Headshots do the highest damage to the opposition. But accurately getting headshots requires a lot of practice.

Players get XP for every kill and for maintaining a kill-streak. This method also helps to learn the game better.


#5 Game sense and map knowledge

These two are the most important aspects of playing this game. Strong knowledge of the map is mandatory for every player in COD Mobile. It could be called the most basic requirement for survival.

Besides that, players must always try to avoid open fights and take cover. It will help one secure the advantage when taking down opponents.


By following the steps above, COD Mobile players can rank up faster.

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