Top 5 Pokemon that Ash's friends used in the anime

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

Ash Ketchum is the iconic Pokemon protagonist, but his journey would have ended many times without the help of his friends and their Pokemon.

Every season in the anime, Ash travels with a companion or two. Sometimes they are Gym leaders he has beaten and other times he makes friends from random encounters.


Those friends are Pokemon trainers and have their own creatures to do with battle with. Some of them are as important as the friends themselves.

Top 5 Pokemon that Ash's friends used in the anime

#5 - Scorbunny (Goh)

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

In Pokemon: Journeys, Ash and Goh become competitive friends like no other. It is actually quite fun to watch their relationship grow. Goh's signature Pokemon was Scorbunny, but it evolved. Before any evolutions, though, Scorbunny was to Goh as Pikachu was to Ash. It was ornery, a tough battler, and provided quite a bit of comic relief.

#4 - Marill (Tracey)

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

Tracey and Ash met a long time ago in the Orange Islands. One of Tracey's Pokemon he had owned prior to their friendship forming was Marill. At one point, it was known as "Pika-Blu" because leaks had many people believing it was a blue Pikachu variant. Marill actually helped the gang solve a ton of problems. It found the Crystal Onix, sent Team Rocket blasting off, and even produced the egg that would become Misty's Marill.

#3 - Onix (Brock)

Image via DeNA
Image via DeNA

Brock's Onix is probably his most iconic Pokemon, even before it evolved into Steelix. Fans will remember seeing Onix defeat Pikachu, only to succumb to the Gym sprinkler system later on. Onix would tunnel underground to scout ahead for the group, it would serve as transportation for Brock, and was a powerful battler against any antagonists. It was really the Pokemon that started Ash's journey to becoming a Pokemon master.

#2 - Togepi (Misty)

Image via The Pokemon Company Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company Image via The Pokemon Company

Misty's Togepi did eventually evolve into a Togetic, but as the baby Pokemon, it gave Pokemon fans a lot memories. Ash won a tournament to decide who got to keep the egg that would become Togepi. The little creature had other ideas, however, seeing Misty and imprinting upon her. It was mostly harmless, but would use Metronome at times, surprising everyone and often saving the day. Togepi was second to Pikachu is interest from Team Rocket.

#1 - Psyduck (Misty)

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

Misty's Psyduck is the best companion Pokemon in the entire series. He is a bit absent-minded, but all that did was make viewers laugh. Psyduck would often be confused and this would cause him headaches. A severe headache sees Psyduck obtain incredible power that can defeat just about any other Pokemon.

Even Psyduck has no idea how he pulled it off. It can't swim, it is hungry all the time, and it has no idea what in the world it is doing 99% of the time. Psyduck has provided some of the most memorable moments from Ash's friends' Pokemon. It deserves this spot.