Top 5 reasons to get Shenhe in Genshin Impact 2.4 update

Shenhe will be releasing in a few days (Image via Genshin Impact)
Shenhe will be releasing in a few days (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact 2.4 will be releasing on 5 January 2022, and fans only have a few days left to wait. Shenhe will be releasing alongside this update, and players won't want to miss out on this new 5-star Cryo character.

She wields some unique abilities, with a stellar set of animations unlike any other in the game. Shenhe also provides some insane buffs to certain characters like Ganyu and Ayaka, making her a very tempting choice.

Fans who have been interested in summoning for Shenhe can get a better idea of why she's worth the effort.

Genshin Impact 2.4: Five reasons why Shenhe is worth getting

Shenhe is one of the longest anticipated Genshin Impact characters, as her model was leaked long ago when the game was first starting. Now, fans will finally get the chance to wish for her once Genshin Impact 2.4 goes live on 5 January 2022.

Shenhe looks to have a very unique playstyle, as she is less of a main damage source and more of a buffer. She works best with Cryo characters, and may rise through the ranks to become one of the best Cryo buffers in the game.

Here are some of the reasons why.

5) Shenhe has huge AOE

Shenhe can cover a ton of the battlefield with her frosty Elemental Burst, giving her the ability to take down multiple foes at once. This can also help her buffs considerably, as it gives players the freedom to move around inside of her large zone.

This zone generated by her Burst looks to be a sizeable area, and fans will definitely want to take advantage of all the boosts it grants.

4) Shenhe has a variety of buffs

Shenhe's kit is full of helpful buffs for her teammates, with a big focus on increasing Cryo damage. Shenhe can work with more than just Cryo characters, however, as she can increase Elemental Skill and Burst damage as well.

Not only that, Shenhe can also increase Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack damage thanks to her Ascension 2 passive. Genshin Impact fans who have been worried that Shenhe will only help their Cryo characters may want to give her another chance.

3) Shenhe has some very unique animations

Of course, Genshin Impact isn't entirely defined by the meta. Players should summon characters that appeal to them, and Shenhe definitely has a lot of fans.

Her unique style combined with her powerful animations make her a great addition to a party. Players who have long awaited her release will definitely want to wish for her as soon as the update arrives.

2) Shenhe can deal some serious damage

While her main goal in a team may not be to deal damage directly, Shenhe is no slouch either. The scaling on her abilities is decent, especially her Elemental Skill.

This ability also scales off of Shenhe's attack, which will be insanely high thanks to her built-in ATK% increases.

1) Shenhe may be the best Cryo buffer so far

Shenhe will pair well with any of Genshin Impact's Cryo damage carries, thanks to her buffs to the Cryo element. Shenhe can increase Cryo damage by 15 percent while players are inside the field of her Elemental Burst, and she can also grant the 15 percent boost to different types of damage thanks to her passive.

Those who want to increase the potential of their Ganyu or Ayaka will definitely want to pick up Shenhe.

Genshin Impact's latest 5-star character is a very unique choice, and fans will definitely want to give her a try when she releases.

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