Top 5 teams to build in Genshin Impact

Image via Mihoyo
Image via Mihoyo

With such a diverse roster of characters, building the best teams in Genshin Impact can be difficult. Utilizing the correct elemental reactions, managing stamina, and landing the correct skills are all key to success. With the correct team composition, any challenge can be overcome with ease, whether it be a weekly boss or the difficult Spiral Abyss.

5 best teams to build in Genshin Impact

The top five team compositions in Genshin Impact have succeeded due to both their sheer strength and their ability to deal with all content in the game so far. The power of a strong team composition is not to be ignored, and players should prioritize getting at least one of these compositions up and running to ensure their success. Here are the top five strongest team compositions in Genshin Impact:

  1. Vaporize
  2. Melt
  3. Freeze
  4. Superconduct/Physical
  5. Geo Resonance

1. Vaporize

Hu Tao (Image via Mihoyo)
Hu Tao (Image via Mihoyo)

This team composition relies on one of the strongest reactions in Genshin Impact, Vaporize. Vaporize occurs when the Hydro and Pyro elements react, applying an incredible damage bonus of up to double the original damage. Utilize a team that can quickly apply Hydro status to enemies and then use the strongest Pyro attack to finish them off.

2. Melt

Ganyu (Image via Mihoyo)
Ganyu (Image via Mihoyo)

Another composition based around dealing high amounts of damage, a Melt composition utilizes the Cryo and Pyro elemental reaction to deal huge damage to enemies. This composition in Genshin Impact relies upon characters like Kaeya or Chongyun who can reliably apply Cryo to enemies for a strong Pyro unit to melt.

3: Freeze

Kaeya (Image via TKHan1)
Kaeya (Image via TKHan1)

With the addition of the Blizzard Strayer artifact set, the Freeze composition in Genshin Impact has become stronger than ever. Using a reliable Hydro character like Xingqiu or Barbara, a Cryo character can keep enemies locked in place which saves stamina and allows players to deal damage without fear of being hit. The Blizzard Strayer set also provides insane bonuses when attacking frozen enemies, so make sure characters are using the correct artifacts.

4. Superconduct/Physical

Razor (Image via Mihoyo)
Razor (Image via Mihoyo)

A physical team composition in Genshin Impact is one of the stronger teams due to its versatility. Physical damage is neutral to most enemy types in the game, which allows a team based around a strong physical damage dealer like Razor or Eula to deal with almost anything they are faced with. Mix in the Superconduct reaction to shred physical resistance, and a physical team can be just as strong as any other.

5. Geo Resonance

Ningguang (Image via Mihoyo)
Ningguang (Image via Mihoyo)

After strong buffs to the Geo Resonance, Geo units have become powerhouses in Genshin Impact, able to control the battlefield with their constructs and destroy any enemies with ease. Using a team with characters like Ningguang, Zhongli, or Albedo, players can benefit greatly from the Geo buffs. Here's why Ningguang is so good.

The best team compositions in Genshin Impact all come down to utilizing the mechanics of elemental reactions to their fullest potential, and with these top five teams, choosing one should be easier than ever.

Note: This list is not in any particular order or ranking and reflects the writer's personal views.

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