Valorant: Reports show players taking advantage of Omen glitches and spots on Icebox 

Omen Spots on Icebox in Valorant - Sportskeeda
Omen Spots on Icebox in Valorant - Sportskeeda

Valorant Act III has taken fans and players by surprise. The new changes, along with a new Agent and a new Map, clearly brought forward Riot's commitment towards their community. The much-needed change gave the Valorant world a refreshing look.

Amidst all the content, the new Valorant Battle Pass showed off some pretty unique skins, most notably the Singularity series. The Agents meta has seen a significant shift, and thus, the Agents who were previously S Tier, are having to be craftier to remain there. At the same time, some game breaking glitches, bugs and spots have surfaced for Omen on Icebox.

For instance, Omen, who is deadly with verticality, is functioning beyond compare in Icebox. He is one of the few Agents, along with Breach and Cypher, that has maintained a constant record in the S Tier. Even with these glitches and lineup spots, Omen will be a force to be reckoned with on Icebox. Simultaneously, Jett and Raze are also going to be deadly on this map.

With verticality comes more angles and the essence of unpredictability in Valorant. The good thing about Omen's kit is that it allows him to be different from other controllers and flash just like Initiators. For instance, Omen and Viper are the only two controllers that can correctly set up a one-way smoke. Similarly, Omen's Paranoia blinds enemies almost as well as Skye's or Breach's flash.

Also read - Valorant: A Guide To Playing Omen On Ascent

Valorant Omen one-way smokes guide on new Act III map Icebox

Image Credits - flexninja
Image Credits - flexninja

Naturally, Omen became one of the top priority Agents in Icebox. Unlike other maps in Valorant, players tend to take advantage of the structural design of Icebox. Omen mains have found several spots in Icebox, which can be used as a one-way smoke where the opponent's feet are visible while they see nothing.

Image Credits - flexninja
Image Credits - flexninja

Mid Blue to Mid Boiler - This one is pretty accurate, as it cuts off vision from both B Tube as well as Mid Boiler area. This will also force opponents players near Mid Elbow to peek the angle. Flexninja shows in his video that it can be used to surprise the enemy.

Image Credits - eggwick
Image Credits - eggwick

Mid Blue to B Tube - Another similar Smoke, although the one-way effect on this diminishes as the smoke gravitates downwards. Essentially players can use a quick teleport along with the smoke to take advantage of the verticality of this area. A teleport over B Tube and players can gain vision over Elbow as well as Boiler.

Image Credits - eggwick
Image Credits - eggwick

B Green to B Garage - The excellent thing about smoke placements is that they can be used extensively to defend and attack. Although that might be different on other maps in Valorant, Icebox has shown a relatively common spot for players to smoke. The push from B Garage is something that was expected in every game. Thus, this smoke timed properly can blind enemies that try to push or retake B Site.

Image Credits - eggwick
Image Credits - eggwick

A Piper to A Nest - Works best as a defensive smoke; this naturally stops the rush from A Site. This works best when enemies are trying to take over A Site with a quick rotation. Placing the smoke closer to the wall will ensure the enemy has to move further in order to get any line of sight. It also necessarily stops opponents from being sneaky and walking from inside the smoke.

Image Credits - eggwick
Image Credits - eggwick

A Site To A Screen - Another smoke for A Site that cuts off the vision and leaves players to choose the zip line. In contrast, zip lining is a good option, but not always. This smoke from Omen cuts off one side, and that leaves it with two vulnerable angles, so make sure to stay in cover while peeking.

Image Credits - eggwick
Image Credits - eggwick

B Site To B Snow Pile - This is a critical angle for those avoiding going through B Garage. This is also a connector for Mid Boiler and Mid Blue; thus, it makes it challenging for opponents to gain a clear line of sight. While this smoke works like a charm, it's best to keep checking B Snowman and B Alley, as players might try to get sneaky.

Image Credits - eggwick
Image Credits - eggwick

B Site to B Orange - Combined with the smoke for B Snow Pile, these two are the most common smokes to hold B site. Whether it is post-plant or early on, these two clouds of smoke essentially cut off any contact from Mid Blue and Mid Boiler. Thus, unless opponents rotate from B Snowman or B Hall, it becomes quite hectic for them to walk in the shadows.

Also read - Valorant: Icebox is going to be a nightmare for defenders

Omen spots and glitches on Icebox are seemingly broken in Valorant


The Icebox glitch in Valorant has become quite a popular thing with Omen as soon as the map was released. The Valorant developers made sure that Omen will be fixed, however, some of these plays look insane. Even Hiko himself chose to do it on stream.

Virtually, Omen can teleport quite a distance with his Shrouded Step. With the Ultimate, however, the scenario changes. In several videos and streams, it has been noticed how players use Omen to teleporter under Kitchen, allowing them to take over the entire site from B Green to B Alley.

Image Credits - Hiko Twitch
Image Credits - Hiko Twitch

Players also saw another similar glitch for Omen on Bind. Characteristically, the Agent's ability transcends map design. Thus, Agents like Omen, Raze, and Jett are going to dominate Icebox with their kit.

Simultaneously, these glitches were expected by Riot Games, which is why they have kept the competitive scenario on hold for now. Thus, these unique spots in Valorant for Omen are going to be abundantly overused. After a while, Valorant players will get used to it, but the possibilities on this map are endless.

While several have reported that these are broken, it might be a while before Riot changes all these spots. Hopefully, by then, players will find better Omen spots to take advantage of on Icebox in Valorant.

Also read - Valorant: Sova's Recon lineups guide on new Act III map Icebox

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