What's the most amount of bells you can bury in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

There is a limit to the number of Bells players can bury in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Image via Nintendo Soup)
There is a limit to the number of Bells players can bury in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Image via Nintendo Soup)

Bells are the in-game currency in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and are an important part of the game. Since the title is a life-simulation game, players require money to buy things to enhance their island. Naturally, players want to obtain as many Bells as possible in the game.


One of the easiest ways to obtain Bells in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is to plant Money Trees. Planting Money Trees requires players to dig holes and bury Bells in them. Therefore, the most common question that arises about this process is the maximum number of Bells that players can bury on their New Horizons islands.

Players can only bury Bells to a certain limit in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The easiest way to earn a large amount of Bells in New Horizons is by planting money trees. Players have to dig holes in the ground and bury 10,000 Bells in the hole in order to grow money trees. Once these Bells have been buried, players can return in two or three days and see that the money trees have grown and yield 30,000 Bells.


Naturally, players would like to plant as many money trees as they can on their New Horizons islands to yield maximum results. Therefore, it is a commonly asked question in the community about the maximum number of Bells that players can bury at one go.

The maximum number of Bells that players can plant at once in their New Horizons island is 90,000. This is the maximum number of Bells players can have in their inventory. Planting 90,000 Bells at once will yield players a net total of 270,000 Bells in a matter of two to three days. This is why this method is considered to be the quickest way to make the maximum number of Bells in New Horizons.

If players do not see any upcoming expenses in the game, they can easily bury all their Bells in the ground on their island to yield maximum profit within the next two or three days.

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