What are World Tiers in Diablo 4 and how do they work?

A closer look at the World Tier system in Diablo 4 World (Image via Diablo 4)
A closer look at the World Tier system in Diablo 4 World (Image via Diablo 4)

With Diablo 4’s early access beta just around the corner, fans of the popular RPG franchise are eagerly waiting to get their hands on the latest entry in the iconic series. The beta phase will go live tomorrow on March 17, 2023, allowing fans with the required code to try out some of the pre-release features that the RPG will bring to the table.

An interesting feature that several players are curious about is the World Tier system in Diablo 4. For those wondering, World Tiers is essentially the game’s difficulty system, which was introduced by the developers as a way to help players track their progress in the RPG.

Additionally, this will present each player with challenges that cater to how far into the game they are in terms of story progression, character upgrades, and equipment.

There are currently five World Tiers in Diablo 4, and today’s guide will go over how each of them will work in the RPG once it's officially released this year.

Diablo 4 World Tiers explored


As mentioned earlier, the action RPG will feature five different World Tiers that you can look forward to:

  • World Tier 1 – Adventure
  • World Tier 2 – Veteran
  • World Tier 3 – Nightmare
  • World Tier 4
  • World Tier 5

At the beginning of the game, you will only have access to the first two tiers of Adventure and Veteran, which should help newer players get more familiar with the game’s core mechanics.

Once you reach level 50 in Diablo 4, you will be able to complete the campaign, which will then automatically unlock World Tiers 3, 4, and 5.

The level cap will be 100, and as you progress further with each tier, you'll be able to find better gear that's more suited to the game's more difficult encounters. However, these drops will only be acquired through beating some of the most powerful enemies in the game, including raid bosses.

Here's what each of the World Tiers signify in Diablo 4:

1) Tier 1 (Adventurer)

The first tier is for players who are just starting out. It’s beginner-friendly as the game's enemies are much easier to take down. This option will give you more than enough time to get quite familiar with some of the key mechanics and combat elements.

2) Tier 2 (Veteran)

The next Diablo 4 World Tier will be for those who are more experienced with the franchise and will pit you against enemies who are slightly harder to take down. As expected, the gear drops will be better than Tier 1.

3) Tier 3 (Nightmare)

The Nightmare tier will only unlock after you have completed the main storyline and reached level 50. This should begin your endgame grind and open up a brand new set of missions and quests like Nightmare Dungeons, which will allow you to gain more character experience alongside much better gear. At the same time, enemies will be much stronger as well.


4) Tier 4

Unfortunately, not much information is available for this tier yet. Nevertheless, you can definitely expect it to be above Nightmare in terms of difficulty and will most likely have better drops and gear scores.

5) Tier 5

For the final fifth tier as well, relevant information will likely only be made available once the game is officially released.

The Diablo 4 early access beta will be taking place from March 17, 2023 to March 19, 2023. This will then be followed by an open beta phase from March 24, 2023 to March 26, 2023.

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