When was Genshin Impact released? Expected Anniversary date revealed 

Genshin Impact 1.1 official website artwork (Image via Mihoyo)
Genshin Impact 1.1 official website artwork (Image via Mihoyo)

Since its release, Genshin Impact has seen immense growth in terms of player base all around the world. As it stands today, it has the biggest active player-base out of any video game coming out of the Chinese market ever.

Genshin Impact initially saw its release on the global market on September 28th, 2020. The game just saw a recent release with its biggest update, 2.0 alongside new locations and characters. It is also to be noted that Mihoyo can't rest just yet as the first anniversary of this global phenomenon is a couple of months away.

The expected date for the first anniversary of Genshin Impact is September 28th, 2021.

First Anniversary expectations in Genshin Impact

Primogem is one of the most essential in-game currencies in Genshin Impact which can be acquired by free-to-play means or can be purchased using real-life money. Players can get their favorite characters of different rarities using a prominent banner feature called "Wish".

It is rumored that on the first anniversary of Genshin Impact, Mihoyo has plans to surpass any filler event the game has seen before. The Lantern Rite Festival, during the 1.3 update, came alongside a free 4-star character of choice at the "Stand by me" event.

Much like this, the first-anniversary event is rumored to give away a free character of unknown rarity, the introduction of a banner consisting of a new character, and a rerun of an old 5-star character. The biggest takeaway that the players will be eyeing is the number of primogems that Genshin Impact will provide.

Beyond the endless and beautiful open world alongside addicting combat mechanics, Genshin Impact is a gacha game. And like all gacha games, in-game currencies are not easy to come by in a free-to-play approach.

While many companies are aware of their player base and their needs, it is only safe to assume that the Genshin Impact community is in for a reward that will be superior in number than usual.

It has also been rumored by renowned data miners that starting from the first anniversary, Genshin Impact will be moving forward by portraying Lumine as the main protagonist out of the two siblings.

Up until now, the player has portrayed the brother Aether, as the main protagonist and the sister Lumine, as the villain. This will change from September 28th.

Aside from the character banners and primogems, Genshin Impact is also a game that follows many traditional RPGs with a mixture of both western and eastern elements. This involves building up a character from scratch with resources, weapons, artifacts, and leveling up skills.

Players can expect new free 4-star weapons, a boost in drops of artifacts, and level-up materials in the upcoming rumored event called, "Moonchase Festival". This event might revolve around Ganyu and Keqing, two of the most important personalities in Liyue, that may lead to the release of their cosmetics, much like Jean and Barbara in the 1.6 updates.

Genshin Impact 1.6 Midsummer Island adventure (Image via Mihoyo)
Genshin Impact 1.6 Midsummer Island adventure (Image via Mihoyo)

Since everything is rumored and speculated, the Genshin Impact community should take all this with skepticism. Although it is without a doubt that Mihoyo has something big in store for the community, maybe something along the lines of this, or perhaps even more.

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