Where to find the missing kikwis in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

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Image via Nintendo

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD has plenty of tasks for you to complete as Link.

The game wastes no time in sending you on various missions, whether exciting or rather dull. The HD remake looks a bit prettier than the original version, while mundane tasks are required.


One of the first important quests in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is to help Bucha, the Elder kikwi, locate a handful of lost kikwi. This mission is how you can get your hands on the Slingshot.

All missing kikwi locations in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

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Image via Nintendo

Monsters have recently emerged in Faron Woods. This has Bucha concerned about his tribe of kikwi. That is why he sent Link on the quest to locate his missing tribe.

Three kikwi need to be found. They are not very close to each other, scattered across the Faron Woods location. Once they are all found, Bucha will reward you with the Slingshot and some information regarding Zelda.

Kikwi 1

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Image via Nintendo

The first kikwi in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is named Lopsa. It is in the east of Faron Woods. Walk across the tightrope that is rigged with burrs. Approach the grove and defeat the enemies.

Once the enemies guarding the grove have been dealt with, locate the big tree in the area. The kikwi is a bit frightened of that tree. Roll into it with Link to knock the kikwi to the ground.

Kikwi 2

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Image via Nintendo

The second kikwi is Erla. The northwest corner of Faron Woods is where this creature can be found in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. Climb the ivy to reach the ledge.

On top of the ledge is a massive patch of grass. The kikwi is hiding within the grass, hoping to blend in and be left alone. Cut all of the grass on the ledge. This will reveal the kikwi, and it will be considered found.

Kikwi 3

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Image via Nintendo

The final kikwi to find in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is known as Oolo. Head to the western part of Faron Woods and locate a brick wall that lines the edge of a hill.

A nearby tree has a noticeable hole in it. You will be able to send Link down that hole. A secret pathway is revealed within the tree. Follow it, and the last kikwi will be found at the end.