Witches Festival Writs in the Elder Scrolls Online explained

Complete writs for voucher in the Elder Scrolls Online. (Image via Zenimax)
Complete writs for voucher in the Elder Scrolls Online. (Image via Zenimax)

The Witches Festival Writ is one of many rewards that players will receive during the Halloween event in the Elder Scrolls Online. However, these take more effort to utilize and can be confusing for those who aren't used to crafting writs.

When opening up Plunder Skulls in the Elder Scrolls Online, players have the chance to earn all kinds of rewards like Motifs and Outfit Styles. The Witches Festival Writ doesn't look as flashy at first, due to the blue rarity of the reward.

But if players earn and complete a writ, the rewards afterward can be nearly as good.

Two ways to earn a Witches Festival Writ in the Elder Scrolls Online


Witches Festival Writs work just like other crafting writs in the game. Players will receive a consumable item that can be opened, and upon accepting the terms of the crafting writ, the quest to craft an item will be given.

While these writs are available for all kinds of crafting in the base Elder Scrolls Online, the story is different for the Witches Festival. Only provisional contracts are given out when accepting a Witches Festival Writ, which certainly narrows down what players can complete. That doesn't mean all hope is lost for those who don't participate in provisioning, though.

Any time players earn a Plunder Skull, they have a chance to earn a recipe. Those same recipes are used for the Witches Festival Writs. Anyone can learn any recipe. However, different recipes will require higher skill levels to make.

Fortunately, there are some Witches Festival Writs that only require players to make a green level recipe. That means with some apples and honey on hand, anyone can complete that given writ and reap the rewards.

What rewards are given for completing the Witches Festival Writ?

When players turn in their writ, they are given a gold rarity bag that can include rewards like Motifs. However, one of the main draws of the writ for completionists are the writ vouchers.

Completing a Witches Festival Writ will give players one writ voucher. Earning 13 Witches Festival Writ vouchers will net them the 'Witches Infernal Hat' which can be worn on any character in the Elder Scrolls Online. After 28 vouchers are earned, players will receive the title of Witch for that singular character the event was completed on.

It's also possible to buy Witches Festival Writs from other Elder Scrolls Online players, so if supply is short, the best bet is to find other sources before the event ends.